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You can never have enough...
Morning everyone

Its clouding over here. Not too chilly tho.

I think its a Taurean thing Kiwimade. I love pretty pencils too. When making notes etc I always use a pencil. And I write and print lol.

We have done soo well at the games. I tried to stay up and see Ellesse in the final but slept an hour and missed it.

And yes I love the Paralympics too..

I didn't see any weight lifting. Always a fave with me.

Missy seems to be niggly today. She seems uncomfortable. But not crying with pain or anything... She also knows that I'm not home today, so it could be a try and make Mummy feel guilty trick, she has done it before.

Have to do my bloods as well...

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good morning. 

There are clouds but the sun is trying to peek through.

A fantastic way to end the Olympics for sure. What a successful Kiwi team. 

We enjoyed a great weekend away ... Hamilton turned on good weather.  The Gardens are amazing ... not a weed in sight.  Many 100's also enjoying the day ... fortunately not too busy in the cafe as we enjoyed watching the ducks and remote small boat enthusiasts as we had our coffee overlooking the lake. One boat was trying to maneuver a stranded one to the side ... most entertaining  Smile

The dogs must both be worn out after their busy get togethers KM. Perhaps Missy needs a vet health check over Popeye ..  cats are good at hiding their 'ailments'.

Groceries needed and weeding to do so I can get my seedlings planted. I need to start some handcraft again ... the embroidery project awaits. Only pick up to do for school/kindy today.

Cuppa finished, better get moving. 

Enjoy the day all.
it's started to rain, and the temperature has dropped so I've come inside. I'm going to book a power shout with Genesis and then run the drier. We have plenty of hours to use.

I agree with roma, popeye. Maybe a once over with the vet for Missy just to be sure.

You got in to see the Hamilton Gardens for free just in time, roma. They start charging from the 1st Sept. It is a gorgeous place to wander though. The new Egyptian garden has certainly grown since it was first planted.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
One thing I invested in heavily when I was making and selling visual art pieces was crayons. The expensive glorious coloured water soluable kind, and I have never regretted being such a spendthrift when I open one of those boxes. They inspire me, and the things I can do with them make me look good as an artist lol.
Morning all
Lovely sunrise earlier this morning but now overcast  and rain expected.
OHH we bought water colour crayons for our DGS xmas  he loves them  he is quite talented (of course I am not biased)
Currently sitting in dentist waiting room waiting my turn for my biannual  check up

Got the quilt blocks finished yesterday  they are squared and ready to be sewn together. Used disappearing  nine patch  pattern. 
On way home need to visit our local city council we changed cities when we moved 5km down the road
So inefficient compared to Wellington  CC dog rego.
Taken 3 weeks to acknowledge  new reg, demanding money despite  me paying and noting on rego form.
Get cross with inefficiency.  Gripe over.
Hope to visit fabric shop on way home that is if I can find a park road works all along the street which must be affecting the businesses as I am sure I am not the only one that gave shopping visit a miss

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
In one of my sporadic efforts to sort out the workroom I came across some oil pastel crayons I'd forgotten about; while I enjoy painting in Photoshop it just isn't very tactile so have been enjoying playing with them on the sheet painting. There's an especially beautiful sea green one which I used for a small dragon which insisted on being added. I've learned that you just don't argue with a dragon...

Started off tomato seeds yesterday, they're on the window sills with small plastic bags over them, so a sort of mini glasshouse. Can't really do much outside until things dry out more.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
I use a varnish medium instead of water to move the colour around with my crayons. It makes it permanent, and lets me layer colour without disturbing the previous stain, so they don't go muddy or murky. And of course as that dries you can then ink over the top, or glue or print or whatever. Magical effects...

And deeply addictive!
(12-08-2024, 12:50 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I use a varnish medium instead of water to move the colour around with my crayons. It makes it permanent, and lets me layer colour without disturbing the previous stain, so they don't go muddy or murky. And of course as that dries you can then ink over the top, or glue or print or whatever. Magical effects...

And deeply addictive!

Mine aren't water soluble but they sound lovely...

I quite like using pastels too but haven't for a while. Maybe once I get the workroom sorted.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
I think Missy was putting it on.

Shortly after posting the message she did her Toilet ' Run around like a headless Chook" Dance. I did make her a hottie and she has been sleeping on that. And seems fine now. .. she would tell me tho, she's pretty good like that.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Got a bit of a spring cleaning urge and tackled a wall of Warehouse cube storage boxes I have lining my tiny hall. Amazing the things you find... So among the ancient Christmas cards - ooooh! Nice stamps! - I found two packets of broad bean seeds. A bit late, but I guess you never can tell...

And that might help with the tomato seed envy.
morning ladies Smile What a gorgeous day so far.

lol @ seed envy... I suspect MrK will be as well when I tell him Lilith has her tomatoes germinating. He grows most of our vegies from seed.

I'm working my way around the garden; the mulch has been doing its job and there are loads of worms. No wonder the blackbird spends his day out there.

Grocery shopping today and I need some more black embroidery thread. Better check to see what other colours I need.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Fine so far.

Had a nice time at the home yesterday. They are covid free so I got to see everyone. and I took Colleen down to see Irene. Irene didn't want to leave her room for another day or two. She will tomorrow tho. Its painting day.

I have a picture she did at 98 and one her great grand daughter did at 8 on the wall beside my chair.

Ill vacc the rest of the house today. And leave the lounge kitchen and my room until late Thursday or Friday morning.

Have a fab day
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good morning. 

Clear, blue sky and sunshine after a cool start. 

Have an appointment this morning then plan to get back outside and continue weeding, always good to see where you've been ... inspiration to keep going!

Mica, it's a learning curve to find out how different Councils (and costs) are once you move into a new area!

Enjoy the day all.
morning all
fine day with Antarctic nip in the air. Late afternoon yesterday it was boom gale force winds heard later at quilt guild meeting that a waerher bomb hit Upper Hutt, jail wind and many houses without power. The scheduled speaker was affected so our leader presented her ruler/gadget collection it was hilarious - many of her must haves were still in their wrappers.

Gong to sort out backing fabric for the cot quilt this morning have the heater on in my sewing space to take the chill off.
DH has hospital appointment this afternoon so I will drive him to that and find a park somewhere to wait for him. Hospital parking is nightmare to get anywhere. Will take something to read.

went into the CC and spoke to counter person - seems they couldnt find  the loot I had paid so to keep my K9s legal I paid a fee , provided evidenc of payment and they will refund what I have paid. Also had a discussion about how I have been an Approved Owner since mid 1990s and was disappointed it wasnt transferrable.  I might have maligned them too soon as I received a call from dog person and if I can get proof of my approved status ( I have that) and pay a fee of $77 I will should get the same status - this would mean a reduction in my dog registration fees of $ 59/dog ie $93 instead of $152/dog so not to be sneezed at - that  would buy a bit of fabric  Big Grin

enjoy your dsay
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning everyone

Not sure if it will be another beautiful day like yesterday or a grey one.

Fourth day in a row that sky is out. Time to ring them, well, when they open. Ive never had as much trouble with the Sky box, Or smoke alarms for that matter, as in this house. The hall smoke alarm simply fell down as I was walking passed the other morning.

Got the rest of the lawn done yesterday. Knee coped. Im very pleased with how its working. And not too much pain afterwards either.

Off to paint with the ladies today.. Then Ill stop and get some Yellow Gold, commonly known as Butter on my way home and make a steamed pudding. Haven't had one for a while.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile We have a doozy of a frost this morning, once it has warmed up a bit I'll keep weeding.

lol mica, that price difference in dog registration will certainly help towards more fabric. In a perfect world, our good dog ownership would follow us wherever in NZ we moved without fuss. There would be one data base, and prices would be the same throughout the country. I did laugh at your guest speaker's gadget and ruler collection still in wrappers... she did quilt, didn't she? lol. I've used the disappearing nine patch, it's very clever how it all comes together.

The Furry One hasn't been moving out of bed until at least 8.30am for the last few mornings. Usually, he's up with MrK. He feels the cold even more now he is older.

This morning, I need to have another go at finding the leak under the laundry tub. I thought I had it but there was another puddle this morning. We are wondering if the higher water pressure from the new pump has something to do with it.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning.

Another clear blue sky ... it was very fresh first thing though!

Popeye we got totally sick of Sky failing when we lived rurally ... don't miss it at all, save $$ and Freeview is great.

I had a good session weeding and will continue my mission later, hope to get the seedlings planted out.  The resident Piwakawaka kept me company,  flittering about and chirping away  Smile I hope I stirred up some bugs for him/her. The well priced wooden bird feeder I ordered arrived this morning ... it will need assembling. Look forward to putting treats out.

Housework awaits and I have a bolar roast for the slow cooker to get going. 

Enjoy the day all.
Morning  all 
Bleak grey day

Been to gym, filled car with petrol will shower once finished breakfast cuppa.
Podiatrist  followup  appointment this morning have to say pain is better and while I was away on holiday  wearing sandals it didn't bother me.

Hope to start quilting sometime today  but might wait for our new shelving to arrive as that will require some assembly 
The gardeners here are busy replanting some of the flower beds  and have dug up  the lawn outside our back fence and sown grass seed the sparrows are having a ball. Dh has picked out the moss in our wee bit of lawn and will fertilise and spread  some seed soon. He likes a good lawn weeds not allowed 

Better move

Enjoy your  day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Roma I tried for nearly two hours to hook up freeview on the weekend. Couldnt get it to do it.

trust me they got an earful this morning when I finally got through
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
(14-08-2024, 09:16 AM)popeye333 Wrote: Roma I tried for nearly two hours to hook up freeview on the weekend. Couldnt get it to do it.

trust me they got an earful this morning when I finally got through

Check it out Popeye but if you have a computer brought after about 2010 you probably get all the Freeview channels anyway. I’m not sure what else you would get with a Freeview box especially if not a very recent one.

I was given one and like you had difficulty setting it up and was told that my tv had all the free channels anyway.  They are not as many as sky has but with on demand, YouTube, and on-line I get more than enough to watch and am not affluent enough to pay for sitting looking at tv  Big Grin

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