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You can never have enough...
Gorgeous sunrise Jan.

Good luck, Tatty cat, hope its just temprorary & improvement is likely.

Perhaps the only good thing about bad news of that nature Mica, is that at least in hopsital he won't be suffering too badly.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Glad the tree is gone before it fell Kiwimade.

I used to love water blasting. But wouldn't do to much up here where you pay for the water. I would only do the front path at the other house, for safety.

Glad said cat has a diagnosis. I hope all mends well Hunni.

Had a nice time painting with the gang. They all liked the paint by numbers I did. I've decided to add another flower at some stage tho.

I finished a picture today that I really like. Ill bring it home next week. I mixed a lot of the colours in it. Im enjoying mixing colours.

We have decided to have our Paint the same picture one day next month, just to see the rang of colours that come through.

I helped Colleen today, she has said she wasn't a good painter and didn't like her pictures, so I encouraged her to not go so fast and to concentrate and she's doing much better.

I never knew water colour paints can be soo hard to get off lol.. Ive still got orange fingers and have used soap twice. Ill get the nail polish remover out later.

My "Skinny" sunglasses and vouchers arrived today so Ill pop those onto the phone shortly.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
A diagnosis at last, OHH. Smile Fingers crossed the meds do the trick.

Mica, the good thing about palliative care is they get the good drugs. Once dad was put into palliative care it was all on drug wise and he was very comfortable.

Almost finished the main colours of the ear, then I'll do the back stitching. It's been a crazy afternoon weatherwise so a good time to stitch. One side of the house has rain and the other is fine, then it swaps. Then the sun comes out, then it buckets down.

We pick MrK's scooter up on Saturday. I suggested we go and 'give it a whirl' saying we could go on 'walks' together. He can scoot and I'll walk. He quite liked that idea Big Grin so we may be out and about a lot more.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
I had the vet nurses all intrigued this morning with the modified pet carrier that fits on the back of the scoot. One helped me pop it back into place, only problem being her hands are stronger than mine and getting it off again at home after she did it up 'hand tight' was quite an exercise, lol. Then we scooted down to the library, and Tatty kept passersbys entertained with her singing, while I grabbed my reserves.

Just as well none of them understood cat. She was quite rude about the whole business. But she is much more comfortable now the anti inflams have started. No more crying out as she moves which is a huge relief, to me!
morning ladies Smile More rain!

Tatty cat will be much more comfortable now and maybe her paw will have a chance to heal Smile What a hoot, a cat on a scoot Tongue Couldn't resist Tongue

My sister-in-law has offered me her garden trolley and as I was taking the groceries out of the car the other day, I was thinking how useful that trolley would be. It's a reasonable size and can take quite a bit of garden/household stuff. She doesn't need it anymore and it's like a swap for the bricks.

Fingers crossed the waterblasting will be finished today, or at least an attempt to do a bit more. And some more firewood cut for our neighbour.

Only the back stitching to do on the wolf's ear and to hand sew the fabric lining into the back of the jacket. I found a jacket on FB for our grandson but no reply from the seller, so I'll just have to keep looking.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

A cloudy sky and apparently in for more rain later. 

Fingers crossed Puss is sorted OHH, how cute her travelling to the vet via scoot. My boy was happy to ride on my knees on the quad bike when on the farm, it didn't make him like necessary car trips any better though!

GC to get to school this morning and the day is mine.  I want to get out and throw some fertilizer around the garden before it rains. The library trip was done yesterday so I'm stocked up again. 

Time to move. 

Enjoy the day all.
Funny story for you... One of my neighbours spotted a garden trolley kind of thing on a Warehouse toss out sale and got me to do the online stuff for her. She too thought it would be excellent for moving the groceries from her car to the flat. I was quite jealous because I could see me using one for potting mix etc. That was back in the Autumn, and I know it was delivered because she got another neighbour also a gardener with eyes on the prize, lol, to put it together for her...

But neither of us have seen it since.
Morning everyone

Grey here. Not currently raining tho.

Im off shopping today. Im really hating the financial limits of it. Need to sell some more stuff. Hate it.

Missy is watching some Mynas fight over a crust. I stropped putting bread out, but this was the left over of the loaf I made on Monday.

Have a fab day

Edit to Add.. Did I see Luxon at the Paralympics opening? They went to the crowd and I saw a Bald head in the country Box area? I thought he was in the Islands.?
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all 
Heavy rain earlier and bit of wind not going to be a very nice day and I have to go out it it.

OHH perhaps your neighbour doesn't want to get her trolley dirty  Shy

My  morning  at warehouse  today need to get buttons  for shirt and couple knitted cardigans  and need to do grocery run we need milk 

DGD1 quite ill suspected scarlet fever

Need to move
Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Ohh no, mica! Fingers crossed it's not scarlet fever. MrK had that as a boy and ended up with his heart condition.

lol @ the trolley story, OHH. I agree with mica, maybe she doesn't want it dirtied. Tongue

Only the lining to go onto the jacket now. It's all pinned and good to go. Firewood has been cut for neighbour and more weeds binned. No waterblasting as the weather is dodgy as heck. If it clears this afternoon, I'll get out and do it.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
I was in thr local Chemist warehouse this morning waiting for a prescription & had a look on the shelves. There were some small,brightl.y coloured packets of something itself 'party mix' was intrigued as I didn't think they sold sweets there so looked more closely...condoms!

I did try not to laugh...
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
lmao Lilith, party mix!  What a hoot lol

Today has been a really good day Big Grin  Waterblasting is done, and I had packed everything away just before it bucketed down with rain.  And the jacket is done, not perfect but that's OK.  And I've bought the jacket on Marketplace for our grandson Smile  When it arrives it will be all go.  In the meantime, I'll have a tutu with this wash away.

The second pic is the reverse and the third is with the lining all sewn in place.

Life is a one time offer, use it well 
(29-08-2024, 05:04 PM)kiwimade64 Wrote: lmao Lilith, party mix!  What a hoot lol

Today has been a really good day Big Grin  Waterblasting is done, and I had packed everything away just before it bucketed down with rain.  And the jacket is done, not perfect but that's OK.  And I've bought the jacket on Marketplace for our grandson Smile  When it arrives it will be all go.  In the meantime, I'll have a tutu with this wash away.

The second pic is the reverse and the third is with the lining all sewn in place.

Its beautiful Kiwimade. the grandies are going to think you are Awesome.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
(29-08-2024, 05:04 PM)kiwimade64 Wrote: lmao Lilith, party mix!  What a hoot lol

Today has been a really good day Big Grin  Waterblasting is done, and I had packed everything away just before it bucketed down with rain.  And the jacket is done, not perfect but that's OK.  And I've bought the jacket on Marketplace for our grandson Smile  When it arrives it will be all go.  In the meantime, I'll have a tutu with this wash away.

The second pic is the reverse and the third is with the lining all sewn in place.

Ohh...that is stunning,KM, beautiful,beautiful work. Take a good quality photo & frame it, that's so lovely, well done. THAT will surely become a familly heirloom Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
kiwimade64lmao Lilith, party mix!  What a hoot lol

Today has been a really good day Big Grin  Waterblasting is done, and I had packed everything away just before it bucketed down with rain.  And the jacket is done, not perfect but that's OK.  And I've bought the jacket on Marketplace for our grandson Smile  When it arrives it will be all go.  In the meantime, I'll have a tutu with this wash away.

The second pic is the reverse and the third is with the lining all sewn in place.

Fabulous work of art the lining is apt too definitely familyy heirloom Cool Cool Cool
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning everyone

Wow we had a storm and a half last night.

Just heard that the Maori King has died. Only 69.

Today is our 33rd wedding anniversary. A first. But Im happy , will wear my daffodil for both Our Anniversary and Daffodil day.

Tomorrow is 50 years since Norm Kirk Died. I remember it well cos I got really upset for his kid/s, just a daughter I think?. Cos we had just lost Dad and I was sad for her not having hers as well.

AND yet another Tv has died. It was just before the storm hit. I had noticed one side of the screen was getting darker. I have another, but Ill probably need binoculars to read anything lol. Ill sort that out later.

Sold a heap of wool and a couple of other things last night so I have breathing room again lol.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile Buggar, looks like more rain. I thought it was going to be fine and have the sheets in the wash.

Thank you for your kind comments about the jacket. I will admit to being happy it is done lol, denim is heavy. I bent three needles and wore the shiny bit off two. And all ended up very blunt. I need to find a good brand of embroidery needles.

Housework for me today, it shouldn't take too long to blat about. Then outside (weather permitting) to trim the lawn edges. I need to get the spade into the edges along the concrete. We do have a gadget to do that, but I prefer the spade. Yesterday I waterblasted the cape cod chairs, and paint blew off in all directions lol. I knew they needed repainting so that will go on this summer's 'to-do' list. I'm thinking pumpkin orange this time round. But then I've seen them painted in this awesome bright, almost fluro, green...

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all 
Fine expecting wind

Off to city shortly haircut and some errands

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Good morning. 

It's sunny and expecting 18 deg today ... I hope so, 2 washing loads underway!

A beautiful piece of work KM, I hope it is retained as a keepsake. You will enjoy working on a new project. Yes, fluro green sounds fab for those outdoor chairs  Smile

DH home today so will do a "Bunnings run" and have coffee at the cafe we liked the look of at the Air Museum. I want a couple of waratahs to see if I can get some sort of order in the dahlias bed! I'm sure I'll find other things that catch my eye for the garden.

Lol Lilith ... a hilarious example of mistaken identity!

OHH, my thought was the trolley had been onsold ... hadn't considered it being kept clean, lol Undecided Cynical me!

Better get the first lot of washing on the line. 

Enjoy the day all.
I think the jacket is stunning, but I think you should have left the inside uncovered. It is a work in itself, another wolf, its inner spirit maybe... but I get the danger with loose threads. Your gd is going to be sad when she grows out of that one, KM! It is a family piece for the future...

As for the trolley, I think she has forgotten she has it...

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