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You can never have enough...
Me too. I am hoping for real world v handmaid's tale country. And a close look at JD's eyeliner.
Morning everyone

It was horribly cold yesterday, not much better this morning either.

Meant to do my INR today too, well actually it was due Monday, but sometimes I just dont want to do it. Its fairly stable at the mo so I dont think weekly tests are needed.. Nearly 18 years of it, so you learn what can change it .

Off to see the gang today.. I made another star tweaking the pattern slightly.. Must take a photo before i give them to Dianne.

Have a fab day all

(13-09-2024, 07:41 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Me too. I am hoping for real world v handmaid's tale country. And a close look at JD's eyeliner.

Lol I thought he was wearing it too Hunni .. I dont like that man. Just from his sly eyes. I doubt Id ever trust him
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all 
Wet and chilly

Waiting to see if good friend who is hospice  care well enough for short visit today. Diagnoisijust under 3 weeks straight to palliative care shock  for everyone

Indoors day remedial work on my jacket

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Good morning. 

A shock to the system ... it's COLD out there! I've turned on the heating.  Not as cold as DD and SIL ... thick snow covering where they live. 

Just watched a clip of the Black Ferns chatting to Prince Charles ... they didn't hold back, very amusing. 

A sad time for your friend/family Mica. My experience of hospices is that they are wonderful places for those who are terminally ill.

I need to go out to complete GD's birthday present, some art paper/canvases to go with acrylic paints/brushes. He shows a lot of talent at about to turn 8.

Time to move. 

Stay warm all.
(13-09-2024, 08:21 AM)Mica Wrote: Morning all 
Wet and chilly

Waiting to see if good friend who is hospice  care well enough for short visit today. Diagnoisijust under 3 weeks straight to palliative care shock  for everyone

Indoors day remedial work on my jacket

Enjoy your day

I dunno Mica... When whatever finally catches up with me I'd like it to be nice and quick. That is enough time to get the good byes done and not long enough to wallow.

One of the reasons I don't do those screening things. I don't want to know, lol. Wimp that I am!
(13-09-2024, 10:14 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote:
(13-09-2024, 08:21 AM)Mica Wrote: Morning all 
Wet and chilly

Waiting to see if good friend who is hospice  care well enough for short visit today. Diagnoisijust under 3 weeks straight to palliative care shock  for everyone

Indoors day remedial work on my jacket

Enjoy your day

I dunno Mica... When whatever finally catches up with me I'd like it to be nice and quick. That is enough time to get the good byes done and not long enough to wallow.

One of the reasons I don't do those screening things. I don't want to know, lol. Wimp that I am!

I dont think you are a wimp at all Hunni.. My mother never did either.. My sister did and she did find a lump, had breast cancer that went to her bones. 
I've done mammogram's and smears. but I've stopped the latter.. I dont want to know on that score. 

Was talking to my cousin about it once. My Sister had BC  and my cousins Mum, so my Aunt, did too. but neither of us thought to get their bloods done for the Braca gene. 

Oddly MrP said many years ago that neither of us would die of cancer. He didn't  and I dont believe I will either. 

But Im thankful that I can take matters into my own hands and deal with it anyway. 

Kinda Hard day at the home today. 20 years since  Sister Dianne's son Died, Mum was ok and we were fondly talking about how close she and her grandson were. Annie was off to the hospital about her eyes, they told her a while back she is going blind. Colleen had had an argument with the staff, and her Daughter wasn't going in. But Dianne and I knew Colleens Daughter wasn't going in and why.. And Colleen was wrong on that. 

It was nice at lunchtime tho. Just the four of us.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
A million years ago I was opening a bank account for a new customer, and her occupation was 'palm reader'. So of course I held out my hands. She told me several things - who I would marry, (a tall man from over the sea), how short that would be, (a split heart line) and who would father my child, (a dark man from this country who would move on), what careers I would have, (complete opposites) and how the major events in my life would come about, (lots of house moves, city moves) including the health things. And that I would live a long life. Most of which I never planned for or sought deliberately...

It is weird how when I look back just how accurate that reading turned out to be. Not too long a life though, I hope. Another ten years will do me. I have no desire to get really old...
morning ladies Smile It's still cold and the odd shower of rain doesn't help the temperature.

Wow, mica, I bet that was a shock to your friend and their family. No lingering though, it's the hanging on that's the hardest, I think. Mum took three months, short by some standards, but it was a very long three months.

I had a card reading done years ago and it was amazing what she said. She also read my palm and apparently the way your fingers splay out tells her the sort of person you are. Who knew! It was an interesting thing to try and I wouldn't mind doing it again.

The scrap metal I pulled out from behind the water tank is gone and $$$ in MrK's wallet. Weather permitting, the plan is to keep going. No point spraying the weeds with this weather, but I can still pull stuff out for MrK to sort through. There are only around 30 bricks left for my sister-in-law to take and once they have gone, I can sort out the recycling corner behind the pump shed. It will be so satisfying to have this all done, it's been a 'dumping' spot for all those things no one knew where to put.

The OT phoned and there is a three month waiting list, I thought it would be longer, to be honest. We only need their advice and suggestions. Was talking to MrK's sister yesterday and she has their mum's grabber thingy still and some hand grabbers/rails we can use. The grabber thing will be so useful and save MrK's back. Over the years we have been future proofing the house but it's all these little things.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all 
Bright overcast windy

Didn't visit friend yesterday as he wasn't up to it hopefully today. Have 50th wedding anniversary afternoon tea today which will be nice to celebrate.

Crochet cot quilt on the go to give my thumb a rest will be a long project 

A bit more frog stitching and tweaking  jacket have got the sleeves in at this point finished is better than perfect  Big Grin

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning everyone

We are on a go slow lol

Its light grey here, I thought it was meant to rain all weekend.. But will see what happens. I would like to spray the edges and weeds too. But we will see.

Dianne (daughter) handed me a magazine yesterday from her Mums stash, cos I liked the bracelet on the back. But flipping through I found a nice simple recipe for a cardigan with cables on, its done in a variegated yarn, which while it looked pretty its not something I would wear. So Im going to make a white one.. AND.. for the first time I WONT be simply knitting the biggest size. Which is something I've always done.. Looking at how big they end up Ill be doing the 3rd from the biggest size... a totally new experience lol I dont mind a little looseness but not hanging off constantly having to be hitched back up.

Ill get the mini toys sewn up first tho. Then I can make a start on it. Could do a red one too since its a nice simple recipe and I love cables.

Will be diamond painting today.. my Aussie said last night I was norty lol.. cos she used to diamond paint and stopped like I did but now she wants to start again lol.. Its one of the most addictive hobbies I've ever had. I have 3 new ones I want to do, but being me, I wont start a second until the first one is done.. I've never done that lol

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
My day has been made! Was checking on Claude Monet who is happily growing in a big pot (for now lol) and there is a brand spanking new cane beginning to grow Big Grin Tapping the crown with the secateurs must have worked as there hasn't been growth there for years.

Need more petrol so I can mulch the left-over leaves/fronds from the pongas. MrK has taken a load of them and cut them up to form the base of the new spud patch. There are way too many for the compost so will mulch instead. It makes such good mulch and compost, don't want to lose any of it.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
My Scottish uncle used to swear by taking a wire brush to the crowns of old roses to jump start new growth. He was a hard man that one, but useful, at 6ft 10 he could reach places no one else could...
I loved seeing the women's football team hugging the King, trust a Kiwi team to ask for - & get - a hug! Well done them & well done Charile. He said it was 'very healing' & I think he was exactly right; all those young womern hugging him with the best possible spirit certainly won't have done him any harm.

Miserably cold & raining here so won't get into the garden today.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Been offered two full grown rhubarb crowns... Tempting, but there'll be holes to dig and fill...
(14-09-2024, 10:46 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: My Scottish uncle used to swear by taking a wire brush to the crowns of old roses to jump start new growth. He was a hard man that one, but useful, at 6ft 10 he could reach places no one else could...
It's well known that exerting trauma on plants can generate growth probably as a survival strategy in many cases. Growers of apples, kiwifruit, avocados and numerous other crops practice 'girdling' as a method to enhance flowering and fruiting rates as the plants attempt to reproduce in response to pending harm. The use of the herbicide 'Hi Cane' to maximise flower bud burst by replicating the effects of frost is a similar technique.

Another example is the old proverb: Not repeatable under today's sensibilities but an interesting logic for its time.
For anyone who missed it; the King gets a hug. Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(14-09-2024, 03:52 PM)harm_less Wrote:
(14-09-2024, 10:46 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: My Scottish uncle used to swear by taking a wire brush to the crowns of old roses to jump start new growth. He was a hard man that one, but useful, at 6ft 10 he could reach places no one else could...
It's well known that exerting trauma on plants can generate growth probably as a survival strategy in many cases. Growers of apples, kiwifruit, avocados and numerous other crops practice 'girdling' as a method to enhance flowering and fruiting rates as the plants attempt to reproduce in response to pending harm. The use of the herbicide 'Hi Cane' to maximise flower bud burst by replicating the effects of frost is a similar technique.

Another example is the old proverb: Not repeatable under today's sensibilities but an interesting logic for its time.

A wife, a dog, and a walnut tree, the more you beat them, the better they be?

Yup, my Dad taught me that one. Not that he ever beat his wife or any of our dogs...
(14-09-2024, 10:46 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: My Scottish uncle used to swear by taking a wire brush to the crowns of old roses to jump start new growth. He was a hard man that one, but useful, at 6ft 10 he could reach places no one else could...

I brushed the older stems of my roses with a wire brush for the first time this year and several have already produced little shoots out of very calloused big stems.  I wasn't expecting much but I think it's been a useful exercise.
morning ladies Smile Rain, great for the garden but not so great for what I want to get done outside Tongue

We saw the hug, Lilith and loved it. Charlie certainly did lol. Such a kiwi thing to do and it was great to see him embrace it.

Couldn't you put the rhubarb in a pot, OHH? As long as you kept it well fed it should be OK. We have two varieties, and they are sooooo good. Easy to freeze, wipe, chop, bag and throw in the freezer.

The rabbits are back in the garden and the Furry One is in hunting mode again. He's not quite as quick as he used to be, but he is enjoying the chase. There aren't as many blossoms on the plum trees this spring, fingers crossed we have plums this season. Last season was a bumper crop, so we are wondering if we have a smaller crop every second year.

A bit more stitching has been done on the dragon and I'm happy with it. Our granddaughter has received her jacket but isn't allowed to open the parcel until her birthday next week lol.

Housework for me this morning, might as well do that while it's raining.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

Cloudy and meant to be clearing after rain overnight. 

If it's the deep red rhubarb take it OHH, so good and cooked it's a lovely colour! 

I used to scrape my rose crowns with a blunt knife,  once I learned that tip at Garden Circle ... definitely helped with exposing new tips for growth. 

Time of year for baby bunnies KM ... we didn't used to see much of our Burmese boy when they were 'on tap'! I wonder what my plum will do this year,  plenty of blossom ... no plums last year,  but I let it off, as only young!

Birthday afternoon tea for GS today ... no other plan. 

Stay warm and dry all.

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