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Difficult to comprehend really
Yes of course there's those that getting vaccinated would be a medical risk.

I'm talking about the anti-vaxxers. Those pushing the mis/disinfo. Those that ignore the science and the evidence or push politcal agenda.

It's them I've got no tolerance for.

I guess there's also a middle group - people caught up in the disinformation, who end up unknowingly spreading misinformation themselves. It's that group we need to talk to and help educate.
(17-11-2021, 01:53 PM)videomonkey Wrote: Yes of course there's those that getting vaccinated would be a medical risk.

I'm talking about the anti-vaxxers. Those pushing the mis/disinfo. Those that ignore the science and the evidence or push politcal agenda.

It's them I've got no tolerance for.

I guess there's also a middle group - people caught up in the disinformation, who end up unknowingly spreading misinformation themselves. It's that group we need to talk to and help educate.

No I don't see a middle group - they're either anti vaxxer or not.  
Once they begin questioning being an antivaxxer then maybe we can help - you can always tell by the first post...
This world would be a perfect place if it wasn't for the people.

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I think its a shame that the vax/non vax issue is becoming so divisive. I'd not want to see anyone forced to have the vax, but for others their choice could mean illness or even death if someone who isn't vaccinated passes it on to them.
I'm glad I'm not a politician, trying to sort this one out.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(16-11-2021, 09:58 PM)egem Wrote: All of it? So you disagree that the risk of children being badly affected by covid is extremely low, and you disagree that the majority of those children who are badly affected have underlying health conditions?
Your correct in that the risk of children being affected is low, however the main risk I can see here would be the children giving the virus to the (unvaxxed) teacher, since they are typically under 12 years and dont qualify for the jab, the risk of them spreading the virus between each other in the class is high with a very high probability of the children being asymptomatic and unlikely to stay home if infected.
(17-11-2021, 01:04 PM)king1 Wrote:
(17-11-2021, 11:11 AM)Kay2021 Wrote: What do you mean when you use the word antivaxxer?  What behaviours or opinions tell you someone is an antivaxxer?

How about you declare your position and agenda before we get into that...
you're halfway there in my estimation but I will withhold judgement for now

Off to a great start.  It was a simple question.  No position or agenda, it was a response to your usage of the word.  I found out today that a doctor who is vaccinated, and has vaccinated others for covid  and worked with covid patients, who is however against mandating vaccines is now deemed antivax, because one dictionary has changed its definition of antivax to include anyone who is against mandating vaccines.  You were the first person I saw using the word after discovering that.  It also means that I am now antivax by their definition because I do not support mandating vaccines or any medical treatment.  About me, I am not vaccinated for now, possibly in the future, possibly soon.  I know many people who are vaccinated and many who are not.  I do not know any antivaxxers.   For me, and I see it as the original description antivax means opposed to all and every vaccine.  This does not fit myself or anyone that I know in my life. There may be people like that, I have not met any.  So what is your definition of an antivaxxer? and does it fit the original meaning or like that dictionary are you adding something to it?  Curious.  I am keen for anyone to give me their definition of what an antivaxxer is.
It is interesting how it is okay to section people, and forcibly medicate them to protect those around them but not okay to mandate a vaccine that does the same thing.
(16-11-2021, 09:58 PM)egem Wrote: All of it? So you disagree that the risk of children being badly affected by covid is extremely low, and you disagree that the majority of those children who are badly affected have underlying health conditions?

You wanna take that chance ?
Are you a parent ?
I am, (my kids are grown up now), and I'd NOT take that chance.
Its simple;  The Vax is VERY VERY SAFE  - Over SEVEN BILLION people have had it.  The odds of bad effects are MINISCULE.

Meanwhile in other news over 5 MILLION people have died from Covid and F*ck knows how many are suffering collateral, quite often severe damage which is quite often very long term in it's effects.

Vaccinated people have MUCH lower chance of catching and passing on Covid. 
Vaccinated people have MUCH lower chance of having severe effects from Covid.

You'd have to be stupid to take a bet against that.
(17-11-2021, 06:51 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: It is interesting how it is okay to section people, and forcibly medicate them to protect those around them but not okay to mandate a vaccine that does the same thing.

Okay for who?  I'm not for that either.  I accept it happens, often it does not need to.
Is that a sealion I see?
I do have other cameras!
I find it interesting that no antivaxxer ever admits to being an antivaxxer...
This world would be a perfect place if it wasn't for the people.

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I must say though i've had enough of this, i can feel the brain cells dying off on mass at the thought of engaging antivaxxer's any more...
This world would be a perfect place if it wasn't for the people.

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Just a thought, but should the Infection thread perhaps be in the Covid group?

(17-11-2021, 07:19 PM)king1 Wrote: I must say though i've had enough of this, i can feel the brain cells dying off on mass at the thought of engaging antivaxxer's any more...
The skeins do get rather tangled.  Wink
(17-11-2021, 07:19 PM)king1 Wrote: I must say though i've had enough of this, i can feel the brain cells dying off on mass at the thought of engaging antivaxxer's any more...
TBH that kind of 'shell shock' is not unfamiliar. I've seen it before.  

And it can drive people to action - such as walking away from the Anti brigade as logic just doesn't seem to work with them.
(17-11-2021, 11:11 AM)Kay2021 Wrote:
(17-11-2021, 08:29 AM)king1 Wrote: as long as they are prepared to accept the consequences of those choices - the problem is antivaxxers aren't

What do you mean when you use the word antivaxxer?  What behaviours or opinions tell you someone is an antivaxxer?
Antivaxxer.....Anyone who opposes the use of vaccines, or regulations mandating vaccinations.

Who knows who is for or against any vaccine, unless they tell you.
(17-11-2021, 06:57 PM)Me+Me Wrote:
(16-11-2021, 09:58 PM)egem Wrote: All of it? So you disagree that the risk of children being badly affected by covid is extremely low, and you disagree that the majority of those children who are badly affected have underlying health conditions?

You wanna take that chance ?
Are you a parent ?
I am, (my kids are grown up now), and I'd NOT take that chance.
Its simple;  The Vax is VERY VERY SAFE  - Over SEVEN BILLION people have had it.  The odds of bad effects are MINISCULE.

Meanwhile in other news over 5 MILLION people have died from Covid and F*ck knows how many are suffering collateral, quite often severe damage which is quite often very long term in it's effects.

Vaccinated people have MUCH lower chance of catching and passing on Covid. 
Vaccinated people have MUCH lower chance of having severe effects from Covid.

You'd have to be stupid to take a bet against that.

That's one irresponsible, possibly not very bright teacher, and a classroom full of young unvaccinated children. The teacher in the article I quoted teaches high school - so year 7 up - and has volunteered to have a covid test weekly. Not the same scenario at all. 

Plus none of what you have said negates my comments you quoted.
anti vaxxers will not be an ongoing problem.
then the rest of us can get on with it.
So if you disappear out of view You know I will never say goodbye
I doubt we will have any alternative.
(17-11-2021, 07:27 PM)crafters_corner Wrote:
(17-11-2021, 11:11 AM)Kay2021 Wrote: What do you mean when you use the word antivaxxer?  What behaviours or opinions tell you someone is an antivaxxer?
Antivaxxer.....Anyone who opposes the use of vaccines, or regulations mandating vaccinations.

Who knows who is for or against any vaccine, unless they tell you.
Sure and between there are the don't knows, the hesitant, the truly bad experience, the completely new experience, the procedure phobic, the waiting to see, the lack of trust, the my body is a temple, the suffered a loss, the high anxiety, the take on death,  and things we cannot conceive of as its not been in our experience, people.  Seems to me that pro and the anti miss most of that.  This is different format to trade me, takes some getting use to.  Thanks for replying.
(17-11-2021, 07:44 PM)Kay2021 Wrote:
(17-11-2021, 07:27 PM)crafters_corner Wrote: Antivaxxer.....Anyone who opposes the use of vaccines, or regulations mandating vaccinations.

Who knows who is for or against any vaccine, unless they tell you.
Sure and between there are the don't knows, the hesitant, the truly bad experience, the completely new experience, the procedure phobic, the waiting to see, the lack of trust, the my body is a temple, the suffered a loss, the high anxiety, the take on death,  and things we cannot conceive of as its not been in our experience, people.  Seems to me that pro and the anti miss most of that.  This is different format to trade me, takes some getting use to.  Thanks for replying.
Hey all, this has been a great thread to read through - I would just like add my perspective, provax for the record.

of that nice and very thorough list of inbetweeners you've come up with, other than the fact that it is probably a very very small percentage, I would have thought most of those groups would be just trying to get on with their lives, maybe coping with the anxieties of being unvaccinated, or whatever the anxiety is that keeps them from getting vaccinated, but these folks probably would if they could. It seems to me the antivaxxers are the ones out on forums and message boards trying to justify there antivacinatedness (is that a thing?) and presumably trying to convince others its a bad idea to get vaccinated. 

How I see it, by your very presence here you are confirming your antivaxxer status... just my 2 cents

fuck i'm a rookie? couldn't you come up with a better name than that.
(17-11-2021, 08:30 PM)Big Daddio Wrote: fuck i'm a rookie?  couldn't you come up with a better name than that.
ummm welcome, 
details are here - nine posts to go
This world would be a perfect place if it wasn't for the people.

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