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VitaminD 3 and vitamin 2K
Are  showing to stop anyone from getting  extreme ill in a  German study.
Also part 1 i guess.
We already have D3 here as it might be good for the bones, but never heard of 2K.
Youtube videos are no substitute for research conducted by scientists - I'm afraid I ignore anyone pushing this sort of thing. I assume this is another attempt to "prevent" or "cure" covid?
I do have other cameras!
the video has links to the official study i dont know if its on part 1 or part 2 The k2 is to absorb thed vitamin in to the bones he said. but watch the video and read the study links .He dont posts crap its all proofen no conspiracys from this Uk nurse trainer
(18-11-2021, 05:08 PM)intrade Wrote: the video  has links to  the official study i dont know if its on part 1 or part 2 The  k2 is to absorb thed vitamin in to the bones  he said. but  watch the video  and read the study links .He  dont posts  crap its all proofen no conspiracys  from this  Uk nurse trainer
Oh no - not "doctor" John Campbell! Why take notice of what a nurse educator says about science and medicine? Would you take any notice of me if I came to your workshop to tell you how to repair cars?
I do have other cameras!
I got my Vit D today, sitting under the brolly with a nice glass of something cool and fruit based. Probably chocker with C as well.

I do feel better for it, I must say.

Cheers all...
Oddly enough, if you search google for "vitamin d3 k2" you get lots of hits. "Dr" John Campbell is shilling for vitamin supplement manufacturers. Disclosure - I take vitamin D3, 2 capsules a month. It's prescribed by my doctor, because older people in the south are perceived as not getting enough exposure to the sun.
I do have other cameras!
(18-11-2021, 05:51 PM)Praktica Wrote: ...... It's prescribed by my doctor, because older people in the south are perceived as not getting enough exposure to the sun.
Not so much "in the south" so much as those with darker skin pigmentation who convert sunlight to Vitamin D far less readily than us white folk.
Which is because our migration to the north meant we received less sun, and therefore had to become more efficient at processing it. The paler we were, the longer we lived...

Whereas, those who remained in central regions had to develop protective physical strategies so they too lived longer.

Same bodies, different environments. Evolution is such a magical process.
(18-11-2021, 06:54 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Which is because our migration to the north meant we received less sun, and therefore had to become more efficient at processing it. The paler we were, the longer we lived...

Whereas, those who remained in central regions had to develop protective physical strategies so they too lived longer.

Same bodies, different environments. Evolution is such a magical process.
Dr. Campbell pretty much sums up the vit D situation the same. Dark skins in high latitudes don't fair well due to their low vit D levels so are more susceptible to viral infection.

Either way humans move faster than evolution can keep up.
Moving to new conditions triggers evolution, because those with better adaptations survive longer to produce young, who may share those same adaptive advantages. For instance, our focus on screens for longer periods is altering our physiology. It will be interesting to see if these adaptive changes become evolutionary trends. But it will take a few generations. And to complicate matters, our tech is advancing faster than we are.

Still, perhaps our AI descendants will be able to move faster with their design changes.
"AI descendants"? We're going to procreate with robots? I thought that concept was for X-rated sci-fi for now?
I take vit D3 capsules too.  Prescribed by my Doc.  1 per month as I live in the north and have fairer skin, I guess.

We are adaptable.  Maybe there will be some good results from climate change after all.
A smile is more contagious than a virus. Smile
Nothing wrong with vitamin D, my doctor has prescribed high dose tablets to some of my family, ive been taking regular supplements, but taking the regular dose has done nothing to raise my levels after a blood test, so have been taking 3 times the dose which appears to be working.

Dr Campbell has been covering vitamin D extensively during the pandemic, not sure if anyone has been following him or not.
Will it cure or stop covid? NO, but the evidence is there that it definitely helps your immune system which is vital for anyone no matter if you are vaccinated or not.

Zinc is also good the the immune system, so ive been taking this along with vitamin D and C.

lol, looks like a few here follow Dr Campbell Smile
And even more do not. But then there is no point in rehashing old arguments.

As for AI descendants, that is what you get when the tech moves faster than the biological.
Not evolution, we are all the same species, no matter what skin colour.
Evolution as a process does take place within each species. That is why we still have a vestigial tail among other leftovers of previous stages in ours. Our skin and eye colour range is another result of evolutionary adaptations to different environmental conditions.
(19-11-2021, 09:19 AM)TygerTung Wrote: Not evolution, we are all the same species, no matter what skin colour.
Evolution doesn't dictate your species as such, it just drives modifications to characteristics such as height, ability to cope with climatic factors, dietary dictates and breeding traits which are passed on to offspring over successive generation by way of genetic modifications.

Skin colour is one such characteristic and is presumed to have lightened in colour as our ancestors gradually migrated away from the equator thereby requiring less protection from UV damage by way of melanin and improved bodily vitamin D production from their reduced sun exposure.

(19-11-2021, 09:37 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Evolution as a process does take place within each species. That is why we still have a vestigial tail among other leftovers of previous stages in ours. Our skin and eye colour range is another result of evolutionary adaptations to different environmental conditions.
Our appendix is another vestige from when a diet higher in plant material required the appropriate gut bacteria to fully digest it. Our progression to an omnivorous diet saw it become largely redundant.
Yes, and like the coccyx, is often more trouble than it is worth!
(19-11-2021, 09:48 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Yes, and like the coccyx, is often more trouble than it is worth!
Having just consulted Dr Google I see that the appendix does have value if recycled so treated with a bit more respect now than previously:

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