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Are you single, and looking for love??
It's not easy out there, is it.

Do you have dealbreakers, that you just will not put up with?? (obviously we all have 'cheating' on this list)

If someone smokes, and you don't, is that a dealbreaker? Maybe you don't want to be a parent to someone else's kids?

I simply want "Mr Right For Me".

What do you want in a partner???

Heart Heart Heart
I once thought smoking was a deal-breaker.

Then I met someone who changed my mind.
My darling married a smoker. Not giving the habit away for him remains my second biggest regret.
One would assume that he loved you enough to not need to be bothered too much by it. Which is kinda cool.

I would love to know what your first biggest regret is. But I'm being nosey. You don't have to tell us. Unless you want to. Then I'm all ears.
Oooooh no, that is between me and my gods lol. But I will be apologising for my selfishness when I see him again!
You should have made this a pole thread.
I find open relationships are the best.
Do you like to pole dance?

(25-02-2020, 06:20 PM)EX09ER Wrote: You should have made this a pole thread.
Do you like to pole dance? :-)
(25-02-2020, 06:54 PM)Lurkz1 Wrote: I find open relationships are the best.
When you're in a relationship, you have to open yourself up.
This is what you meant, right??
(25-02-2020, 07:31 PM)lindymf55 Wrote: Do you like to pole dance?

(25-02-2020, 06:20 PM)EX09ER Wrote: You should have made this a pole thread.
Do you like to pole dance? :-)
(25-02-2020, 06:54 PM)Lurkz1 Wrote: I find open relationships are the best.
When you're in a relationship, you have to open yourself up.
This is what you meant, right??
No. Two go to the pub. Three come home.
I would struggle with a smoker. Very possibly a deal breaker.
Single and ready to mingle... 
A deal breaker for me is bad personal hygiene.
Can't stand the stinky ones haha
If they smoke, best they switch to vaping or forget about snogging... Big Grin
(25-02-2020, 09:52 PM)Getinon Wrote: I would struggle with a smoker.  Very possibly a deal breaker.

I quite agree. I would not even consider a smoker. Smokers stink! That's not even considering the fact that it's a very expensive habit.
*Waves to Gwimweeper in case its the same one* Smile

In answer to the two questions:
Yes &

In the words of poet Bub Bridger:
"I was married once. And once was enough." Smile

More seriously though, I think smoking is less of a problem these days now that most are far more aware of the hazards. Perhaps ours was the last generation to smoke to any great extent, & many have (like me) long since given up.
It really isn't socially acceptable either now, as it once was - people used to smoke on buses, in the movie theatres, shops etc. etc.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
I was. Then I found her on Trade Me. In the Cats to Adopt category.

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