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You can never have enough...
As I watched Dune last night - superb special effects btw, and I am very glad I have read the books several times and know the plot - I did a bit of browsing for chairs on TM. Yup. Found three nicely different styled mid century cane armchairs at an affordable buy now, checked out the construction via more photos and bought them.

So now the current occupiers of my space definitely have to go, lol...

Oh, and just to make things interesting, the new ones are black. Glossy, small touch ups required, but absolutely black. With black cushions. Oh boy, I do set myself some challenges...
morning ladies Smile We have an awesome frost this morning Big Grin

I'm sorry to hear about MrP, popeye. There's not much you can do if he decides not to walk, that has to come from him.

Wow, Jan, a lot has been going on in your neck of the woods. Yep, we have the basics to hand as we make from scratch rather than use packaged food. Better for us and less waste. I've/we've always cooked from scratch so it's nothing new. MrK has his cabbage and bok choy seeds starting on the dining room windowsill and our drunken women lettuces have been growing everywhere and anywhere and have kept us in lettuce all winter. That's fantastic news about your breakfast families. We watched the Sunday program about Rotorua. We knew it was bad, but wow, just wow. How anyone can live like that is beggars belief. Those moteliers, security, and the housing company are a disgrace. My parents had motels in Rotorua, thank goodness they aren't here to see what is happening.

We also watched the story on Sunday about fidgeting. As we were watching it, MrK says, that's you, you know! No it's not, says me twirling my hair and tapping my foot lol. And as I was stitching yesterday, I realised I was singing to the radio as I worked and as soon as I stopped singing (ok, singing could be debatable lol) I lost concentration. My brain works in mysterious ways lol.

OHH, I love Dune too lol and watched the movie Sunday night with lots of muttering, it better be as good as the original. And I think it was. Modern computer graphics made a huge difference. Part 2 of the trilogy will be out November 2023 and the third part, in 2024. MrK hates fantasy stuff so I watch it after he has gone to bed. I started watching the LOTR series yesterday. My only complaint is we are being drip fed it week by week. I guess being able to stream whole series at a time now has made us spoilt lol.

Yesterday we braced the fence and that makes a difference for now. Still waiting for the fencer...

I'm up to the wing on the fantail and need to think about my approach to it. I can't work on the back or finish the fantail's tummy until the wing and tail is done as the fantail's back finishes over the tail. Like painting, I stitch from the background to foreground to try and get the layers right.

I saw an art course being advertised locally and thought, omg yesss!!! That is so me! But at over $600 it will be flagged until we have our DVS fitted in the house and MrK has his new hearing aid. Hopefully they will do it again.

Time to get moving, the sun is trying to defrost the frost so I'll get a few things done inside for now.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning.  Touch of a frost here as well but enjoying the sun shining in. 

Jan you have a lot going on in your life. The hospital situation so sad and it's going to take years to get better ... if it's going to. Glad to read of those families being rehomed. I'm not sure what was worse yesterday while grocery shopping ... the lack of masks worn or the bill at the end! I shall make more effort with my vege growing! The vege pods are tempting!

Go for it OHH ... enjoy your new chairs,  life is for living, with all the doom and gloom in front of our eyes via the media nowadays.
Popeye look after yourself first,  MrP has the right people around him. 

Have sewed up a baby vest, now for a new project. Will spend some time outside in the garden,  if that cold wind has gone. Otherwise, there's a couple of birthday presents and a wedding present to shop for!

Enjoy the day.
Morning all
No frost but very  chilly hopefully the sun will be out later.

OHH great buy.

Jan you have a busy life so good breakkie club family have finally got a house. I feel for medical persons so under rated , overworked and under payed.

Popeye you look after you MrP has people around him to help.

Finished another pair baby socks last night now on the lookout for new project.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning everyone

Yep MrP has the carers if he choses to make the effort. I've been in this spot several times, but this time its him. He's always been my rock.

I know I can get very short and snappy when I speak to the staff but I always apologise too.. But I agree, they all need double pay and less hours.

I've decided to ring the superclinic and see if my appointment is on the horizon, I can barely get around now. More frustrating cos I've lost weight, and trying to do everything I can for it.

Glad you got some cool sounding chairs OHH.. Something will sort out the problem of getting them to you.

Had an email yesterday with a rent increase.. I never thought I would say this but At least it was only $10 a week. It could have been way worse cos houses the same size as mine, in fact one on the same shared driveway with the exact same lay out is $80 more than mine.

I found out about one thing that came up in the Inmates only meeting last week. Another Peter spoke and said it was disgusting the amount of time it takes for people to get pain meds in there. The Manager said that was a lie... Just as well I wasn't there cos she is lying. I've been there when its taken far in excess of an hour for them to bring pain pills to MrP.

Right a quick FB check then I have calls to make. Need to tell MrPs Little Big brother what is happening. He's my Fave brother in law, we are kindred Spirits.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
omg he's done it again lol. MrK... I think we need a gate there.... hells bells...didn't I suggest this around four years ago? And then he suggested something for the garden and added, it's only a suggestion, I know better than to tell you what to do lol. But the chainsaw is out and the climbing hydrangea well and truly trimmed. And he's cut some eucalyptus timber for me to use as an edging. The chainsaw hasn't been used for over a year and started first pop. Gotta love the Stihl brand.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
So cold here this morning my fingers are going numb! Typical unsettled Spring! You are right though, the excess furniture issue is solved, if they don't go as dollar listings I have two able bodied volunteers who will haul them out and get rid so that is sorted.

And this morning it is coffee and cake day so I'm hauling out the boots, the mittens and the scarf, lol.
Oooh - black chairs! I immediately pictured bright zingy cushions to go on them - magenta, lime green, orange, purple, pink, electric blue, turquoise, red, yellow, etc. etc.

Popeye, I hope the clinic is helpful.

Finished watching Self made last night, about Madam C J Walker, whose hair care products are still going strong even now & who made contributions to help others including to the NAACP.

I ventured out earlier & got another two of those gorgeous trivets, one for another birthday early next year, so a bit ahead with that one & this month's birthday is all done so just three more birthdays before Xmas.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
black chairs sound divine, and those vibrant colours would look amazing with them with a bright throw casually thrown over a chair.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
SUCCESS.. The clinic rang withing the hour and I had the choice of two appointments on Friday.. YES this Friday lol..

Been a mixed morning with the hospital. The nurse said they were sending MrP home. I said so your sending him home to die, she said yes.

Finally a DR rang me and she apologised big time for the lack of contact. I said its a week since I heard anything from a DR. Apparently there is a meeting there today and she will be bringing it up. And she was going to bring up how the nurse said yes too.

Turns out he has stood. But he has to have two people with him if he tries to walk. Which wont happen in the home.

Oh Kiwimade Ive lived through the things you are going through. I share and understand your frustration.

Glad things are sorted OHH.. Cant wait to see them. And yes Bright colours are a must. Like my crochet blanket which has black borders but bright colours

The home are going to let me know when MrP has returned so I can take his phone back, and then I can rest my knee tomorrow..

What a day of good and bad it has been
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Except ladies, my decor is light and bright with cream base, teal and green highlights. And a bit of orange. And pink. And a bit of...

Never mind! It will work, I'm quite good at this stuff sometimes, and if it doesn't I shall repaint and recover. The best thing is - upright, lumber support, light enough to move around, and affordable. And fun...

These are my new babies...
Awesome OHH. Definitely lend them selves to throws or cushions in your highlight colours, if you wanted to enhance  Smile
Those chairs are lovely, Hunni.

Excellent news re the clinic Popeye. Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
oohhhh I love love love those chairs Heart Well done OHH!

And well done with the clinic, popeye Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Love the chairs - we left a couple behind when we went to Oz -I spray painted them several times - loved them for their versatility
Beautiful day here after a very chilly start - plenty of snow on the ranges
Ukraine Grandpa just brought me a lovely slice of cake really slice of a slice - very dark full of fruit - I can taste ginger and maybe treacle - a couple of times I have asked him about recipes but nothing is measured - he was on his way up to the supermarket they are so short of staff the butchery is not opening - last week it was the deli - so many are off on stress leave from the constant abuse by customers - the lowest pay rate is $25.74 an hour for the trolley boy but there is just no workers so the old boy and the Mum both spend the day up there
My granddaughter in Oz is taking the diaries back with her when she comes home for Xmas - she used a company over there to copy manuscripts in a copywriting court case and so they will copy the dairies then the originals will go to the Museum - my sister isn’t happy with that but she had them stored in a cupboard in her shed and the rats ate the wiring out of her car in that same shed so I told her she had no say .But my granddaughter has some gadget that goes in your luggage that tells you where it is if it gets lost so I am comfortable with that
Kiwimade there is a beautiful Facebook page Embroiderers guild of Victoria well worth a look
Oh that makes me feel better - you lot seeing what I saw in the chairs!

They are my reward for destashing and being sensible about my increasing level of cripdom. I might need to reinforce the spring system because they will get well used, but I can do that quickly and easily and at minimal cost. I just need the big chairs to leave home and we can get on with it.

Thanks ladies!
Oh they are Lovely OHH...

Yeah good about the clinic.

I've been up with MrP.. Unless they make him do things he will fade fast.

He is now only 87.9 kilos. But it was the one nurse who is not meant to be in his room that I have had to complain about again.
Only to find out the area manager isn't well and doesn't know if she will return to work. I have the new person in charge and have text. I only hope she is just as good.

He apologized but I told him he doesn't need to. he just has to fight.

I have his toe in the freezer. It wasn't even in any liquid. lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile Another beautiful day on the cards here.

I've seen that FB page, Jan. Omg some of the gowns and other items they show are just stunning. I drool over the embroidery and really appreciate the work that has gone into them all.

Yesterday I started digging out some of the concrete fill edging around the garden so I could weed around it properly. While I had a few bits out on the lawn, MrK saw it and said, well, that looks better without the edging. OMFlippinG!! Twice in one day he agreed with me after years of 'debate'. So, before he could change his mind, I started digging out more lol. There is a compromise though. The area down the west side of the house where I was going to put sleepers and pebbles will be concrete fill stepping stones and pebbles. As long as the concrete stepping stones are set well into the ground and not wobbly I was happy to 'deal' lol. Our farming neighbour has said he will take the rest of the edging for either filling low spots on the farm or supporting our creek. So, by the end of spring, I am hoping it will all be gone. Well, 95% of it anyway. I will be sooo happy to FINALLY get rid of it all. I would love to know how many tonne of concrete fill I have dug out of this garden over the years. At long last there is light at the end of the tunnel.

The blueberry we were given is doing well in its tub and even has flowers in spite of being cut back severely. And we have peas almost ready for picking. There are more blossoms on the plum tree. We thought we would lose them thanks to yesterday's frost but they seem fine. We did lose magnolia flowers though Sad But MrK pointed out some new flowers starting so not all was lost.

I'm back outside this morning digging out more concrete edging. I'll take pics so you can see what I mean by dangerous. One good topple over and anyone would do some serious damage. And without an edging I can get the wheelbarrow into the garden a lot easier. I also have a fuchsia that has outgrown its tub so needs to be planted out in the garden. It can go in the part I worked on over autum. And the blimmen violas, as sweet as they are, need a good hack back before they take over the world. So, a bit to do. Smile

happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

You will be able to take your frustrations out in the garden Kiwimade. but I sooo understand, it can be blimmin annoying.
What is going to happen when you have no more changes to make? Although I know you will still have plenty of wedding etc to keep you busy.

I discovered that the Area manager is still unwell but she sent me the name of the new woman doing the job. She has meetings all day today but will ring me in her lunch break.

I hope she is as good as Carol has been.. This manager here needs shooting to be honest. Its time she lost her job. And Ill do my darndest to see it happen. For the sake of them all.

Have to do my bloods today. But that's all I will do. Ill pop into a supermarket on my way home tomorrow.

Im soo blardy happy to finally have an appointment.. honestly it feels like Christmas at the mo. Hopefully it won't be too long a wait for surgery. My friend in Wellington and my Sister in law were both told a 2 year wait. Fingers crossed it's not so long up here.

Have an awesome day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin

The concrete edging ready for our neighbour and his tractor Big Grin


The garden without the edging.  Now I need to rebuild it a bit so the plant roots aren't exposed.


Another part of the garden with the edging to show you what it is like. Damed dangerous.  

Popeye, there is always something to do in the garden lol.  The weeds are under control with all the mulching that has been done and I think I'm winning the war with the convolvulus  Big Grin
Life is a one time offer, use it well 

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