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Wedding etiquette, what shall we do?
I need advice. Last Xmas we were told to keep a certain date free for a family wedding. This person is our nephew (my husbands side). So we did. Formal invites were duly received and rsvp'd to.  Fast forward to now. My son has come down from Auckland with his partner for Xmas and booked leave to allow them to go to their first cousins wedding. My daughter and her partner have booked time off work. We all received individual invites.    4 weeks ago, we all get a text saying we are now uninvited. Due to the Covid situation, so they do not have to show vaccine passports the numbers have been drastically cut. It would seem the brides mother and sister are anti vaxxers and neither are vaccinated. The wedding is to be held at my elderly mother in laws house - in garden. With the reception at a local venue. So, we are now not going. Do we still buy them a present????? I just want to add, we are extremely hurt by this. Our kids grew up with their cousins. We literally live a few streets away. My sil is officiating the wedding. M husband is going to set up a live steam camera in the garden for them. Then coming home. Thoughts please?

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Wedding etiquette, what shall we do? - by TinkandTiff - 27-12-2021, 04:52 PM

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