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S. Wiles & S. Hendy, claim against Auckland uni
(03-01-2022, 05:36 PM)Magoo Wrote: i quite agree.
if they get Covid they shouldnt be allowed a hospital bed. lets save them for the involuntary sick. they dont trust the medical fraternity anyway right? bunch of shills they tell us.
a hairdressers at Fraser Cove closed because staff wouldnt vax.

its breathtaking to me that some believe themselves smarter than the medical fraternity.
that they believe the politicians, doctors and the pharma are in some sort of evil cabal to trick us all.
wtf? they wank on and on about dodgy pseudo science and hearsay bullshit from other antivax idiots.
hard to imagine more obtuse reasoning and limited mental capacity required to arrive at their bizarre conclusions.
That's a slippery slope that most probably wouldn't agree with if adopted generally.

Do you drink soft drinks or eat sweets? Right there goes your government funded diabetes medication and hospital care.
What, you were driving or a passenger not wearing a seat belt? Sorry, the ambulance is needed elsewhere.
So, you were a smoker and enjoyed the odd tipple? This cancer treatment is going to cost big time.
Didn't use sunblock? Line up behind that ex-smoker with your melanoma.
Tooth decay? Best we sue your local council for failing to fluoridate the water supply.

Do you really want our healthcare system to go down this route?!!

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RE: S. Wiles & S. Hendy, claim against Auckland uni - by harm_less - 03-01-2022, 06:28 PM

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