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S. Wiles & S. Hendy, claim against Auckland uni
(06-01-2022, 05:40 PM)Magoo Wrote: No I'm not for shooting anyone either. Seems a bit drastic.
Animals? You tell me. What would I call someone who knowingly spreads a contagious disease on purpose? Sociopath? Murderer? At the very least, dangerous.
I can go into a mosque and give 55 Muslims COVID and that's not a terrorist attack then what is?. They have weaponised their bodies based on lies and misinformation, and we know their intelligence to be sub par, their decision making skills worse and their antisocial sociopathy overt.and dedicated.
To dehumanize them is entirely appropriate, to separate and monitor them not untoward.
If I might quote monsieur macron "I want to really piss them off.' As I say I'm not alone and neither is he.
The big "reset" might not be quite what the Trump/Canon/antivax cult has in mind.
The point though is that those who'd even think of doing such a thing believe that covid isn't really a pandemic, isn't likely to kill people & so wouldn't harm anyone - they believe its all just a hoax of some kind.

Those who see it as a means of killing people in order to reduce population presumably by wicked evil govts don't seem the sort, AFAIK who are keen to spread it themselves. Thankfully.

And no, its never right to dehumanise people regardless of how utterly bizarre & daft their beliefs might be.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)

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RE: S. Wiles & S. Hendy, claim against Auckland uni - by Lilith7 - 06-01-2022, 06:05 PM

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