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S. Wiles & S. Hendy, claim against Auckland uni
(09-01-2022, 02:36 PM)harm_less Wrote:
(09-01-2022, 01:56 PM)Me+Me Wrote: since when is Diabetes an infectious disease which can and does kill people ?  Since when is cancer infectious ? Since when is getting melanoma infections to others   Since when is tooth decay going to impact and infect others ? 

All VERY different to the infection ramifications of Covid

But those things while they're a drain on the health system etc are NOT likely to infect others and potentially kill or otherwise injure them ?

People who refuse to be innoculated against a worldwide pandemic disease which is VERY infectious to others once you have it are WILLFULLY being very dangerous to others in society.
As most, but not you obviously, can see I'm referring to mandatory health measures and costs being a dangerous road to go down. The case in question is of an infectious disease but to implement such measures on this occasion lays the foundations for the same thing being done on whatever 'public health education' grounds in the future. The instances I mentioned are just examples of where such an approach could head once tried in the current climate of general fear and knee jerk actions.
I can see exactly what you're trying to say but I'm saying there's a BIG difference between what this is and the other situations mentioned.  Mandatory health measures are ALREADY in place in many of our industries due to this pandemic.  Governments in other countries have gone further.  "laying the foundations for similar to be done in other situations - bullshit.  These are very different situations.  
While we're on the subject of speculatiion, how will you feel about all that if the situation worsens ?  Ie: a much worse variant appears.  One which kills in far greater numbers, more readily and  more easily, (and yes this could happen).  Would you then be in favor of greater restrictions, further mandatory health measures and etc for those who chose to be unvaccinated ?  In order to perhaps 'encourage' them to get vaccinated and assist in protecting the rest of us ?  or what ?

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RE: S. Wiles & S. Hendy, claim against Auckland uni - by Me+Me - 09-01-2022, 03:06 PM

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