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I know who will love this...
"Because it’s a national emergency, it is my position that we can restrain” people who have not got their shots, Duterte said in a pre-recorded message"

“I am now giving orders to the [village chiefs] to look for those persons who are not vaccinated and just request them or order them, if you may, to stay put.”

sounds like the village chiefs are going to be busy.
the frustration is palpable in the presidents rhetoric.
no leader wants to see societal breakdown n his watch. its going to impact the grift.
this chap doesnt mess around, hes been executing drug smugglers and jailing users.

"Duterte said he was “appalled” at the large numbers of Filipinos yet to be vaccinated."

“If you don’t get a jab you put everybody in jeopardy,” he said, with the virus “galloping in our community, in our country and in the world”.

so he understands how serious it is. he threatened to do this during the delta variant.
he doesnt have to put up with the needle shy and antivax maggots like we do,

"The sudden rise in cases had prompted Duterte to order on Thursday the arrest of unvaccinated people who violate stay-at-home orders, raising questions about the legality of the order."

he doesnt care about the legality of the order, this is a health and safety issue. he knows the unvaccinated are going to drag his country into the quagmire.
it would seem Deterte has not lost any popularity to this.
will be interesting to see how it goes. he isnt beyond bringing in martial law
So if you disappear out of view You know I will never say goodbye

Messages In This Thread
I know who will love this... - by Oh_hunnihunni - 09-01-2022, 02:05 PM
RE: I know who will love this... - by Lilith7 - 09-01-2022, 02:14 PM
RE: I know who will love this... - by Lilith7 - 09-01-2022, 02:24 PM
RE: I know who will love this... - by Magoo - 09-01-2022, 03:18 PM
RE: I know who will love this... - by Magoo - 09-01-2022, 04:16 PM
RE: I know who will love this... - by Oldfellah - 09-01-2022, 07:57 PM

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