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S. Wiles & S. Hendy, claim against Auckland uni
(09-01-2022, 03:39 PM)Magoo Wrote: ...  the things we inoculated against werent pandemic .... 

.... we werent naïve or gullible imo, just sensible, stoic and fearless.

what happened?

Actually, many of the things we were inoculated for WERE pandemic and are now "minor" problems simply because everyone is innoculated, although some are rearing up again because people have become complacent. You missed polio off your list - a biggy back then. I recently found my original plunket book. Not only did I have the polio shots as a baby, but a few months later I also had something else that I didn't recognise and when I looked it up it turned out to be a [then] more modern polio shot. So I was well covered.

"What happened" is somehow people have lost trust for the medical professions. Instead of the doctors being god we have realised they are human and could be fallible. We also have the internet at our fingertips so people with crackpot ideas that never had a chance to be expressed now find others of like mind and away they go. The fact that they are so arrogant that they think they can know more than the medical professionals who now have infinitely more knowledge and education than those of yesteryear is the biggest problem we have

Anyway - I'm off to get my booster. Went in last week and was one day too soon for the 4 months.

(09-01-2022, 03:06 PM)Me+Me Wrote:  
While we're on the subject of speculatiion, how will you feel about all that if the situation worsens ?  Ie: a much worse variant appears.  One which kills in far greater numbers, more readily and  more easily, (and yes this could happen).  Would you then be in favor of greater restrictions, further mandatory health measures and etc for those who chose to be unvaccinated ?  In order to perhaps 'encourage' them to get vaccinated and assist in protecting the rest of us ?  or what ?

It actually did happen in 2002 with the first SARS virus (there's a reason why the covid virus is SARS cov-2). We dodged the bullet then because it died out before it took hold, but it did kill 10% of the people who caught it. We are just a mutation away from having something like that pop up again.

One of the biggest issues is that so many people seem to have lost all common sense. There's a serious contagious disease out there so we needed information, guidelines and legal support so that we could all be as safe as possible. Those that won't do the right thing just increase the risk for everyone, and increase the need for more stringent rules. And so the circle goes.

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RE: S. Wiles & S. Hendy, claim against Auckland uni - by SueDonim - 10-01-2022, 08:21 AM

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