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Losers, the useless and the bottom of the barrel
(10-02-2022, 09:40 AM)harm_less Wrote:
(10-02-2022, 09:32 AM)Magoo Wrote: what an absurd premise. 
Loud mouth ranting and promotion of brutality isn't how New Zealanders or our Police force operate. 
Ah actually it's how a lot of the protestors have been acting.  Writing signs that Politicians should Hang for instance is cerrtainly the promotion of brutality - in the extreme.  Water cannons hardly come near that level of violence.  Many of them seem to be up there with the 'loud mouth ranting' also when I read about them banging on school bus windows and yelling at kids and even forcing them to remove masks, (yes this happened on the wlg waterfront).  People who do that kind of stuff need a very sharp shock.  NOT the 'be nice' approach.  Arrest ALL of them.  Give those who've broken any laws fines/tickets etc.  Give those who wrote/spoke or otherwise promoted Hanging Politicians SERIOUS jail time.  How could that be promotion of brutality ?

I say give them a time - an ultimatum. Leave or get taken down.  Bring in some water cannons - make them very visible.  After that time is up - USE them.  Then hogtie the people who didn't leave.  Arrest/charge them and hit them with serious consequences.   I was kinda kidding about Antarticia - don't want to sully that pristine environment.

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RE: Losers, the useless and the bottom of the barrel - by Me+Me - 10-02-2022, 09:54 AM

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