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Losers, the useless and the bottom of the barrel
(10-02-2022, 01:17 PM)harm_less Wrote:
(10-02-2022, 10:01 AM)Magoo Wrote: and my post was in regard to police disregard to our laws.
brutality? if necessary, but just a few simple arrests will do, theyre breaking laws in full view of the police, with impunity. if they resist then thats their choice.
the police could even pretend to give a shit that would be enough.
perhaps if i came over to yours, park in the driveway, set up a tent and some loudspeakers on your lawn, piss on your azaleas, throw a black sack full of rubbish on your porch and abuse your family as they come and go?
we will see how compassionate and cuddly you are then.
The Police are taking an intelligent approach. Slowly and forcefully advancing on the rabble picking out the most rebellious for arrest with the best part of 100 in the can so far. Seems to be working well and not risking a full scale riot that would put the children and less able in the crowd in danger. Or would you prefer a Red Squad 1981 style approach which turn the situation into a total shit storm which the authorities would then be held responsible for?
none of the above.
i would prefer a police force that stopped it before it started.
where were they on tuesday. you dont have to remove a tent if you dont let them put it up.
why do the police have to escort students and others to bustops. why, because its dangerous, there are criminals acting with impunity on our streets.
we have to provide escorts because we allow them to continue to break laws.

"About 15 police went into the crowd at the other end of the lawn and got attacked with some officers having to get pulled out by their colleagues.

One officer has been taken away injured. As it was happening, the main crowd surged forward resulting in several more arrests."

stiil dont think its time for water cannon and tear gas?
i thought a police office was obliged to step in when witnessing the commission of any crime? or is it only if its committed directly against them? to be arrested you have to attack a cop? abusing kids is ok tho, theyve got an escort.
what a crock of shit.


So if you disappear out of view You know I will never say goodbye

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RE: Losers, the useless and the bottom of the barrel - by Magoo - 10-02-2022, 03:09 PM

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