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Luxon on National using the Oscars incident.
Luxon is now disagreeing with Jim Bolger over the fair pay agreement. He doesn't seem keen on improvements to wages for those on low incomes, which is a bit odd o0f his earlier "we care" comment.

"FPAs are a set of terms and conditions - including wages and working hours - that employers in a particular sector must abide by, with the overall aim of raising standards.

Labour's FPA plans were foiled by its former Government coalition partner New Zealand First. But with a huge majority in Parliament, Labour is now pushing ahead to improve pay and conditions for essential workers. On Tuesday the party introduced its Fair Pay Agreements Bill to Parliament.

The FPA framework is the same system proposed by Bolger who led the FPA working group in 2019.

But current National leader Luxon isn't a fan, telling AM on Wednesday it will hurt businesses and the economy. "
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)

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RE: Luxon on National using the Oscars incident. - by Lilith7 - 30-03-2022, 10:37 AM

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