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He Wakaputanga - NZ Declaration of independence...
(05-04-2022, 08:56 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I was amused by that article in Stuff yesterday about the mayor who sent his persistant nuisance into the debtors court. I had a friend a while back who insisted common law overrode legislated versions. I think it is probably a form of mental illness to live in such a fantasy world...

(04-04-2022, 12:36 PM)C_T_Russell Wrote: I went to one of their meetings in the weekend and learned alot.
It appears that when the united tribes of NZ was established, we were actually declared a sovereign independent republic!
Lots of history we were not taught at school, but it all makes sense now why Hone Heke was cutting down that flagpole.

Apparently because the treaty was deliberately mis-translated, its technically legally null and void, which means we are still technically a republic!

Lots of people are beginning to learn about this and thats why you might see the united tribes flag flown around the country. Even a few Maraes are flying it.
We have plenty of independent historians who publish easily read books, well researched and validated. You could try one of those. Any public librarian can point you in the right direction.

Trouble is there areĀ people who don't bother reading. They'd rather get their education by word of mouth.
I find the best reading is the original diaries, etc. Read what people actually saw and experienced. I read Cook's diaries recently (from the library). You have to accommodate that the way we see the world has changed, but that's also the point. In law, the law is applied as to how it was when theĀ  "crime" happened. I think we need to apply that sociologically as well and stop being so critical of what happened "then" to allow the benefits we have today to be appreciated.

(14-04-2022, 11:31 PM)videomonkey Wrote:
(04-04-2022, 05:28 PM)Magoo Wrote: go to youtube, search 'sovreign citizens'
you may learn how to uninstall a car window.
these are your 'historians'

Yep it's almost like the phrase "go to YouTube and search..." is the reason humankind is in its current predicament. Who'd have known how dangerous the internet would end up being (and yes I get the irony of my comment).

I think the predicament is that it all happened so fast and many individuals have been left behind in the understanding of the effect of having so much unregulated information at their fingertips. The education sector needs to start the catch-up by teaching more about critical appraisal and how algorithms work to modify search results, etc. And adults need to stop and think through the bigger picture in what they read. In the competition for attention so much is exaggerated and made more extreme/negative than it really is/was.

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RE: He Wakaputanga - NZ Declaration of independence... - by SueDonim - 15-04-2022, 10:55 AM

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