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Country calendar, my favorite show now just an outlet for woke propaganda...
Some time back I purchased from one of those Country Calendar farming families. Since then I have had several contacts with them. So, a few facts... Farming wealth is tied up in their business, in many cases the families are not individually wealthy. Often, like any other substantial business they carry enormous debt while trying to work and live, and raise healthy families enmeshed in that business with little or no escape. They often suffer enormous stresses, mental health in the industry is a huge issue.

I know it is easy to kick agriculture on any number of issues. But the reality is we depend on their efforts as individuals, as families, as provinces, as a nation.

We could do a lot more to support them rather than keep putting the boot in.

(01-07-2022, 04:32 PM)yousnoozeyoulose Wrote: I did snort a little when I saw the sheep popping out the chute and awkwardly half-landing on a monogrammed crash pad of sorts (it's almost like it didn't want to land on it...) Briefly thought we were getting a Fred Dagg-ish piss take episode.

For me, it was all just a bit "much", but others will see it differently and that's fine.
I watched the same episode, and smiled too. Not in a Fred Daggish way though. But then I have owned sheep. as a city girl, it was a huge learning experience, but boy am I glad I had the privilege.

That couple are interesting people. Very successful city based business folk. Of course they bring a different perspective to their new enterprise. And no doubt, like all newbies they'll get laughed at a lot.

Bet they do well though.

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RE: Country calendar, my favorite show now just an outlet for woke propaganda... - by Oh_hunnihunni - 01-07-2022, 05:40 PM

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