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Luxon wants mass imigration to fill jobs...
(20-07-2022, 02:43 PM)king1 Wrote:
(20-07-2022, 12:54 PM)C_T_Russell Wrote: I also think that one issue facing NZ is that a large percentage of kiwis want jobs that are less labour intense and more of an indoors office job that pays well.
I dont know how to address this other than increasing minimum wage, which causes more problems for employers and increased costs, particularly on food, however, you would think that if there is more money in peoples pockets to spend, it should go back full circle into the economy.
Thats why we can get so many immigrants from other countries that are more than happy to do such jobs at good pay compared to where they have been living.
Most kiwis dont know how good things are here compared to other countries.
We need to make it attractive to kiwis to fill these roles.
Mostly agree, other than it is the employers that need to make it more attractive to kiwis to fill these roles.

Simply put, in my humble
opinion, we need to remove all hope for employers of ever using an immigrant labour force, other than for exceptional circumstances.  Then the labour market will correct, employers will offer more pay/incentives to attract new zealanders into these roles.

A perfect solution, other than that minor issue of low unemployment. 
Yes I think thats what is needed.
I think Act is the only party in govt with an immigration policy close to that.
I know labour pretty much shut down all immigration over covid.
I need to look into it more regarding Act, but I believe they only want to allow high skilled workers to enter NZ in areas where we are short of such skills, not just anyone who is going to work as a taxi driver or work in an orchard.
Might need to address students with loans too and make sure they cant leave NZ until they are paid off.

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RE: Luxon wants mass imigration to fill jobs... - by C_T_Russell - 21-07-2022, 11:43 AM

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