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What happens when you join Voices for Freedom?
The first question has to be - Why is there an image of a man in a nazi uniform prominently? What possible nonsensical reason could there be for that?
Oh of course - the dreaded 'illuminati'. Again. When in doubt & scrabbling for a scapegoat, blame the Jews - again.

They're so 'special' that their 'freedom' is far more important than that of the rest of us, they're the only ones who can see 'what's really happening'.

They're a fairly gullible but also extremely nasty lot, some of whom are openly advocating murders. There's a very strong American CT flavour to it.

"An anti-vaccination, anti-mandate group which says it wants to make the country “ungovernable” is standing candidates in local body elections to “sway the results (and) throw our weight around”.

Voices For Freedom (VFF) openly campaigned to get supporters into decision-making positions but told candidates to hide their affiliations - prompting a warning to voters to thoroughly research candidates before voting.

Voices For Freedom is one of several individuals and groups linked to increasing levels of false information and violent rhetoric, the subject of the Stuff Circuit documentary Fire and Fury.
A prominent VFF guest speaker, Gill Booth, confirmed she was running for her local community board, after telling supporters in June to “absolutely disrupt and rip to pieces our local council”.

Jaspreet Boparai, a Southland dairy farmer who pushes a conspiracy about a UN agenda to enslave humanity through the Covid pandemic, also put her name forward for election."
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)

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RE: What happens when you join Voices for Freedom? - by Lilith7 - 15-08-2022, 11:59 AM

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