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If Lake Taupo blows, its the end of NZ as we know it...
Might not be anything that happens in any of our lifetimes, but its sure to happen some day.
It is some cause for concern about geonet raising its alert level, something thats never happened before.
Although Taupo has experienced higher activity in the past, its the first time they have raised its alert level.

I wonder how many people even know its a volcano, or at least a dormant volcano and not an extinct volcano?
Its even generating media attention overseas.

If it were to blow, we could look back at its last eruption which was considered fairly minor and that was enough to cover much of the north island in a metre or more of ash, I would like to think we would have plenty of warning should that happen, but its quite scary to imagine what would happen should this ever occur.
It would be a much more serious disaster if it happened in the future with a much more populated NZ than today with a population of 5 million or so.
Much of the north island would be uninhabitable for some time, but the south island would probably fare better, evacuations would be immense. I could see many heading over to Australia.

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If Lake Taupo blows, its the end of NZ as we know it... - by C_T_Russell - 21-09-2022, 01:01 PM

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