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The possibilities for the next election
It's the Nats to lose at the moment. People want something to change, and the media are doing a good job of blaming all of life's issues on Arden & Co. The Nats will be getting the "dumb" vote this time around - the voters who get all their news from TikTok dances. It amuses me that "the farmers" seem to think National cares about them but that's for them to work out on their own.

Feeling that Labour will probably turn a little to the dark side in the run-up. A good chunk of the Nats current team (and future white male candidates that they will select) will have a few skeletons in the closet so it will be up to the plentiful Labour B-team to rat them out to the media.

Can't see Winston cracking 5%.

Labour did well off the youth vote last time, but wondering if the Greens might benefit next year, even with that horrible man still being a co-leader...

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RE: The possibilities for the next election - by yousnoozeyoulose - 15-10-2022, 07:27 PM

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