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National to 'get tough' on youth crime.
Either they don't understand that it doesn't actually work - or they know but don't care as long as their primitive stance gets them votes. Which would be rather cynical, but then they're politicians.
'Young offenders military academies' fgs. Why would anyone think that teaching kids who've been in trouble the care & use of weapons is in any way a good idea?! Sheer idiocy.
 They seem to believe that its all down to a 'lack of discipline' Dodgy

"My message to young offenders is that under National, you will face [the] consequences for your actions.”  National would create Young Offender Military Academies where offenders aged 15 to 17 can be sent for up to 12 months
The Academies would “provide discipline, mentoring and intensive rehabilitation to make a decisive intervention in these young offenders’ lives. The Academies will be delivered in partnership with the Defence Force, alongside other providers”.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)

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National to 'get tough' on youth crime. - by Lilith7 - 17-11-2022, 10:49 AM

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