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National to 'get tough' on youth crime.
(17-11-2022, 06:43 PM)Olive Wrote: The Luxon speech writers are playing on voters' ignorance of what a "boot camp" would actually consist of.  They are implying that it would be some kind of Outward Bound plus ankle bracelets, whereas in fact it would be brutal, expensive and basically adult level punishment for kids as young as 10.  No recognition of rehab, education or redressing the imbalances of colonisation and inequality of opportunity.

Absolutely agree. While it may be more expensive & take longer, education & rehab & fixing the situation which creates their behaviour works.

Its typical right wing bash bash bash 'remedy' though. Either they won't or can't see past the fact that it simply does not work, & not only doesn't work, but can do damage to people.
And really, Luxon advocating that children of 10 wear an ankle bracelet illustrates vividly just how out of touch both he & his party are.

They're interested only in advocating a quick fix for the situation & the more punitive, the better apparently. The long term doesn't interest them as long as they can appear tough & gain votes - they trot the same old nonsense whenever they want to get the voters stirred up.

If they were genuinely interested in ending & preventing such behaviour then they'd be looking at changing the things which lead to it. To the best of my knowledge, they never have.

(18-11-2022, 12:05 AM)joe 90 Wrote: It  has proved  fairly successfull in uk & it  has nothing to do with  weapons or  military  training training  .  The  boot camp  boys  have a choice    of  stay  &  do the time  & their  sentence for their crime is  waived  .  The  reoffending rate &  those that walk out      is  very  low      .  NZs  catch & release system sure as hell aint working our  young hoodlums are totally out of control  &  neither police or courts do    bugger all about  it  ,      the  hoodlums    know    they wont  be prosecuted  as adults  .  vigalantism will prevail    shops & h    home owners      resort to  using  weapons  to protect their  property  ,    i know several farmers  who  are  prepared  to ,theyve  had enough of  the theiving

The 'hoodlums' are children. 'Boot camps' do not work; they've been tried here before with much fanfare & - nothing.

The problem isn't 'lack of discipline'. The problem is a deeply unfair society.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)

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RE: National to 'get tough' on youth crime. - by Lilith7 - 18-11-2022, 10:08 AM

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