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Russian women going to Argentina to give birth
It appears to be continuing, to the point where the Argentinian govt has become concerned.

"Alex Slepenkov, 36, knew he could be forced to join the military and fight in a war he had tried to protest. He and his wife, Natasha Slepenkova, 30, feared the country would turn into North Korea, closing its borders to the world.
After they learned in September they were expecting their first child, they began looking up alternatives. 

Argentina, unlike many countries, still allowed Russians to enter. And it's a country that grants citizenship to children born on its soil - allowing the baby's parents to apply, too. 

"We wanted to give our baby the option to go wherever he wants, to do whatever he wants," said Slepenkov, an engineer. "To grow like a free person."
But within days of the couple's arrival in Buenos Aires in January, the Argentine government began sounding alarms.
Immigration authorities in this South American country barred six pregnant Russian women from entering in February, alleging they had claimed falsely to be tourists. The headlines about the women followed reports that two suspected Russian spies who were detained in Slovenia recently were citizens of Argentina.
The new parents are part of a historic exodus of Russians. As many as 1 million are estimated to have fled Russia in the year since the start of the invasion, a migration similar to those during the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917 and the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991.

 The phenomenon has spawned an industry of agencies that charge thousands of dollars for help finding maternity hospitals and filling out paperwork.
Still, growing concerns about the Russians' motives have cast a shadow on families genuinely hoping to build a life in Argentina.
"We don't want Argentines to think of us as parasites," Alex Slepenkov said."
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)

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RE: Russian women going to Argentina to give birth - by Lilith7 - 03-03-2023, 11:14 AM

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