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USA attacking women's abortion rights again.
Your link must be the grossly dishonest article referred to in here

And, I'll save you the trouble by saying that I already know you'll disregard my linked article due to it being from the Catholic News Agency (no, I'd never heard of them before either) but a quick Google of "what does a fetus look like at 9 weeks" makes it pretty clear which of the two opposing articles is more honest/accurate. Even mainstream sources such as the NHS report a readily recognisable human, with arms legs, beginnings or fingers/toes etc at 9 weeks.

But, just like slave holders vehemently de-humanised slaves to reconcile themselves with continuing such a vile practice, I'm sure you'll continue to do the same with unborn people to reconcile yourselves with the mass slaughter.

It sounds hyperbolic to call it "mass slaughter" but that's what it is. And I think it being so horrific is ironically part of what makes people like you so militantly in favour of it. Because admitting you've publicly supported something so evil is just a bridge too far, so instead you essentially shut your eyes, block your ears and shout "not a real human, not a real human".

Your choosing to post that Guardian link strongly supports my assertion in my last paragraph above. That you would either post that link knowing it wasn't accurate, or not even bother to perform the most basic, rudimentary of checks (which would have quickly shown you that it wasn't remotely accurate), shows that you desperately need to cling on to your alternate reality (albeit an alternate reality screamed and shouted by many, many others).

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RE: USA attacking women's abortion rights again. - by dken31 - 13-04-2023, 10:03 PM

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