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Jacinda Ardern's face on loo set - Rotary apology
(09-05-2023, 01:13 PM)king1 Wrote:
(09-05-2023, 10:33 AM)dken31 Wrote: "People hate Ardern and Ardern is a women, therefore people clearly hate Ardern because she is a women" is just a massive logical fallacy.  

No-one is saying that... as I see it the general feeling is that she received (and is still receiving) far more hate and vitriol than she would if she were a bloke doing the job, that's it - and that makes it misogyny in my book...  

Comparing her situation to that of the looney tunes, bat-shit crazy ex US Pres,  is just not even comparable, because he is looney tunes, bat-shit crazy ...

Pretty sure that was Verity Johnsons general gist in the posted article.  

People didn't like Ardern because she stated the following things:

I have never lied as politician - this was itself a lie
Most open and transparent government ever - it was the opposite
Transformational goverment - it never was
Covid vaccinations will be totally voluntary and those chosing not to vaccinate will not be penalised - hmmmm - refer the first point
They are us - unless unvaccinated or protesters in which they are them
KFC worker went against the rules- actually followed advice - but no apology was ever offered

This is just a snapshot.  Generally many didn't like her because she wasn't genuine.  More were waking up to that fact and by January she realised that where once she was Labour's Unicorn she was now their millstone.

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RE: Jacinda Ardern's face on loo set - Rotary apology - by Wainuiguy - 09-05-2023, 03:16 PM

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