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"Awful & targeted" Librarians & teachers concerned
No trouble finding a few hours of rain-free time; it just takes a few days to accumulate them. Real people encounters - that's a novel idea. My memory is not what it used to be I'm told, but I vaguely recall "real people". I don't recall how we interacted, but I don't think wires were involved a lot of the time. Must have been Bluetooth - or was it Wifi?
Being new at the scoot business, I don't try grinning at people while I'm out on the microTesla, just catching a few toes takes all my concentration. Getting old toes and new sneakers in one pass leads to interesting conversations with people you'd never meet otherwise.

Entropy is not what
it used to be.

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RE: "Awful & targeted" Librarians & teachers concerned - by R2x1 - 11-05-2023, 08:41 AM

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