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Wealthy Kiwis want to pay more tax
After 40 odd years of uncaring, greed based Neo Liberalism, its astounding that there are still 90 odd people with a social conscience. Well done them.  Smile

It would an excellent thing if the govt would take heed & do this.

"In an open letter, titled Sharing wealth through paying more tax, 90 of the country's richest addressed "the public and the politicians of Aotearoa New Zealand," and asked that they be made to pay higher tax rates.
The letter bluntly asked politicians to "back a tax system that asks more from those who can most afford it".
"We write as people who are frustrated with how much tax we pay. We want to pay more," the letter opens.

"As people leading financially comfortable lives, we might be expected to be anti-tax. But we recognise tax as a shared contribution to our collective success. It funds everything from the teachers who give our children a great start, to the DOC rangers who look after our environment, through to the health care professionals on whom we all rely."

"A group of 96 wealthy New Zealanders are calling on the Government to tax them more.
The group, inspired by the initiative Millionaires for Humanity, says the current tax system contributes towards the gap between poor and the wealthy.
Signatory and Ecostore Founder Malcolm Rands says he doesn’t mind if it’s done through increased income tax, a wealth tax or a capital gains tax.

But he says increases should only apply to the wealthy.

The group wrote an open letter to the public and politicians of Aotearoa explaining how frustrated they are at the amount of tax they pay, and they wish to pay more.
The tax they pay funds everything from teachers to DoC rangers, through to healthcare professionals.

Taxes also pay for the social services and payments that assist communities, including superannuitants, families and individuals needing support. Tax is one way to pay for that.

The group would willingly pay more tax to help lift families out of poverty – an investment that would pay off many times over."
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)

Messages In This Thread
Wealthy Kiwis want to pay more tax - by Lilith7 - 11-05-2023, 11:59 AM
RE: Wealthy Kiwis want to pay more tax - by Olive - 11-05-2023, 01:47 PM
RE: Wealthy Kiwis want to pay more tax - by king1 - 11-05-2023, 02:42 PM

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