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Chinese Computer OS to replace Windows.
Just had a bit of a play with OpenKylin.

Tried on a old Workshop PC -- 1st it doesn't like Hyper-V (Windows VM program) came up with some error ( to fast to write down- something about unable to access the BIOS) yeah bugger off -- so had to use VM workstation, went in but not smoothly.

So dug out an unused PC, installed onto a actual Machine, 1st time looked like it installed, but wouldn't boot, errors galore. Tried a different drive and 2nd time went in, but put everything in twice ( yeah OK) then after rebooting a couple of times they merged into one.

Its basically nothing flash ,( look past the eye candy)  just another version of Linux (there are manyyyyy) Does basics every day things , just like all the rest.  Tried setting up networking  - gave up on that as at first it said samba is no longer used or can even be installed, had a dig around the system files and found it anyway, BUT when opening up the text editor (they have changed that as well, its now VIM)  What Opens ??? " Samba Config"  ( thought it wasn't used ??)

As expected a lot of the apps are in chinese and cant be changed, some that are in both Chinese and english, but dive into any settings and  its 50/50 as to what you'll get.

As for a replacement for windows -- NOPE --- If someone wanted to change to Linux then there are far better (and more supported) versions available. And who knows what this thing sends back Wink
Upgrades = Old bugs replaced with new Bugs.

Messages In This Thread
Chinese Computer OS to replace Windows. - by Mzee - 09-07-2023, 05:23 PM
RE: Chinese Computer OS to replace Windows. - by Wainuitech - 12-07-2023, 12:54 PM

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