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Israeli protests
(28-07-2023, 04:23 PM)harm_less Wrote:
(28-07-2023, 04:09 PM)Lilith7 Wrote: Massive protests continue in Israel after their idiot far right govt passed laws which will curb the power of courts. They appear to want a dictatorship, & many are deeply disturbed by what they're doing. Dodgy

"Earlier this year, the government announced a plan to curb the court's power, sparking major protests across the country. The bill that passed its first reading on Monday would remove the court's power to review and overrule decisions made by government ministers.
Critics say the government is undermining the country's independent judicial branch and its democratic system of checks and balances.
Crowds streamed onto major highways across Israel on Tuesday, with some protesters throwing flares and others lying down or burning tires to block traffic. Police used water cannons against some demonstrators near Jerusalem, and a horse knocked one protester to the ground in Tel Aviv, BBC News reported.
Israeli military veterans staged a demonstration at Israel's Ben Gurion Airport, while other protests were called for outside the Israeli Defense Ministry, the president's residence and the U.S. embassy.
Reservists from Israel's Mossad intelligence service and its Shin Bet domestic security agency threatened to stop appearing for duty in response to the proposed judicial reforms, BBC News reported. They joined hundreds of other reservists who have made similar declarations, despite a warning from the military that it will act against anyone who fails to report up for duty, the BBC said.

Since the start of the year, a series of Israeli army raids have killed and injured scores of Palestinians in the West Bank in response to a spate of Palestinian attacks. The most recent raid on the Jenin refugee camp saw at least 13 Palestinians killed and thousands driven from their homes in a two-day operation that was the largest carried out by the Israeli military in the Palestinian territory in 20 years."
At the end of last year, Netanyahu began his sixth term as Israel's prime minister — a return to power made possible by the veteran politician forging a coalition with members of extremist, far-right and ultra-religious political parties that had long existed on the fringes of Israeli politics.
After returning to office, Netanyahu appointed some of these controversial figures to leadership roles within his government, including Itamar Ben-Gvir, a radical ultra-nationalist who has chanted "death to Arabs" in the past and was convicted of inciting racism and supporting a terrorist organization. As the Minister for National Security, Ben-Gvir is now in charge of Israel's police."
The way the Israelis are treating the Palestinians is absolutely discraceful. This video clip is Israeli forces pouring concrete into water springs to deny the Palestinians use of the water for their crops. Arseholes!

That's just evil.  Dodgy Angry

The behaviour of their govt isn't entirely different to  the way in which the Nazis behaved towards Jews. The first people to speak out against this mistreatment of the Palestinians were survivors of the death camps; it could all have been so different had their fears been taken heed of.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)

Messages In This Thread
Israeli protests - by Lilith7 - 28-07-2023, 04:09 PM
RE: Israeli protests - by harm_less - 28-07-2023, 04:23 PM
RE: Israeli protests - by Lilith7 - 28-07-2023, 07:18 PM

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