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Something Evil | What it's like to be shunned from the Jehovah's Witnesses
I have long felt that the tax-free aspect of charity should only apply to money/goods that go directly to the beneficiaries. There are far too many leaders who get away with big salaries and rich lifestyles while the parishioners go poor. Then there are those that have huge businesses that have a huge advantage over their competition because they don't pay tax, and the competition does.

I got put off the Sallies in the early 80s when my friend who was a member with a degree of standing in the church was denied help in getting out of the violent marriage she was in. Their attitude was that family cohesion is all and that she should stay and weather the bruises. Then later in the 80s they lobbied against the homosexual law reform. It's one thing to say that people's behaviour goes against your principles, but an entirely different level to promote laws preventing people from being who they are. I remember being given door knob/letterbox stickers that said something like "Salvation Army not welcome here....".

And then of course we are well aware of the whole debacle of what goes on at Gloriavale. A different aspect to a degree, but overall still part of the system that lets the leaders get away with everything while not being required to pay any tax.

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RE: Something Evil | What it's like to be shunned from the Jehovah's Witnesses - by SueDonim - 12-08-2023, 02:36 PM

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