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ACT would reinstate training fees for first year
I think much more needs to be spent at primary and secondary level so that those leaving school do so with a well-rounded knowledge of how to get on in the world and what kinds of options are available to them in the next stage of their lives. For some that needs to be academic tertiary education. For others it might be an apprenticeship. And for others moving forward into some kind of business structure that includes working to learn. All are equally valid and should be supported equally.

At the moment we have an appalling situation of schools not teaching their students: basic language so that they can communicate properly; reading and critical analysis so they can interpret the information they are bombarded with; health, fitness and nutrition so they can be the best they can be physically; financial management so they can manage their money and make it work for them; social skills so they can respect others and cope with negative interactions. Etc.

Then when they leave school they would be much better able to make informed decisions and succeed in whatever they choose to do next. The ideal would be full support for all of the future options, but getting the basics right at school level needs to come first, and that includes giving teachers the resources they need, and expecting a much higher level of performance from them in return. Only some careers require higher academic education. Other have different needs that also need to be supported.

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RE: ACT would reinstate training fees for first year - by SueDonim - 28-08-2023, 02:08 PM

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