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this month's temperature is below average
(29-08-2023, 09:55 AM)C_T_Russell Wrote:
(29-08-2023, 09:48 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: No CT, people who research the science with open minds and the desire to learn, know.

I have an open mind and don't buy into one narrative anymore.
You only are getting one side of the picture on the telly.
How does your "open mind" explain wild fluctuations in weather extremes? Zermatt, Switzerland Last week it was 31°C, now it's snowing - in late summer?
What we're seeing is decreased stability of weather patterns including the weakening of the arctic and antarctic vortexes which usually act to contain the colder air around the poles, and conversely keep the warmer conditions (including tropical storms) restricted to the equatorial and tropical zones. When those 'normal' climatic norms start failing we see more and more unseasonal and volatile weather events. Sound familiar, or does your selective knowledge source choose to ignore basic meteorological disfunction?

Our planet may have encountered climate change like we're seeing now but not since humans have been a significant species, and definitely not at a rate that's occurring now. What we are seeing is a change in the environment that surrounds us that will make our planet increasingly difficult to survive on while destroying the civilisations and infrastructure we are familiar with. I fear for the life my granddaughter will encounter over the next 70+ years.

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RE: this month's temperature is below average - by harm_less - 29-08-2023, 10:30 AM

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