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Methamphetimine Rules, son's name.
I was looking after an elderly lady when I was involved in Budget assistance. Her husband had died a year earlier and she had paid to have his name put into the memorial book which has the day current day shown under a glass cover at the local cemetery. I picked her up,took her home where SWMBO had made a nice lunch then we took her up to see her husbands name in the memorial book. Unfortunately it wasn't there and we had a most distressed old lady on our hands.

Took her home and gave her a cuppa and when she had calmed down we took her home and got the receipt for the service she paid for and set out to get to the bottom of the matter.

This was 40 years ago and I can't remember who was at fault but whoever it was said Ooops, sorry, we will fix that up for her, The cost will be $$$ whatever it was. When I remonstrated that there shouldn't be a charge they wouldn't relent. I thanked them then sat down and wrote a letter to the local paper nnd rang them back quoting what I was prepared to send for publication. Strange how the matter was fixed and a week later we took the old dear up where they had a special opening just for her of the book, where she saw her husbands name on the day of his death,

Why do you have to push people to do the right thing when they have made an obvious mistake?
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Messages In This Thread
Methamphetimine Rules, son's name. - by Lilith7 - 20-09-2023, 03:33 PM
RE: Methamphetimine Rules, son's name. - by Kenj - 21-09-2023, 07:23 AM

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