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Northern English supermarkets remove self service
I've found supermarket self check reasonably OK once you get it figured out but I usually shop in a big lot at a time so rarely use it. I asked them once why it has a limit on number of items and it's because it's part of the emergency exit so has to be able to be cleared quickly.

In the article, I picked up on "as soon as you go to a self-scan with those you've got to get a visual verification on them, and some customers don't know one different apple versus another for example". Haha, even the staff here don't know which fruit is which. They are lost if they can't see the little labels we hate so much.

I hate the self-service at Kmart big time. I can have a happy shopping experience until I get to the Blxxxx Checkout. Then the confusion starts. Do I have/need a bag? No, I don't have a bag but also don't need one. Take items out of trolley to get ready for scanning. Then have to put them all back in because the items needing to be scanned don't fit in the place they are supposed to. Then same issue in the bagging area. Anything bigger than a t-shirt doesn't fit but the sensor needs to know that you have put it there after scanning. Then something has an unreadable barcode so the assistant has to look it up on the computer to print a barcode to use. And so on. The staff are great, but the they hate the system as much as I do. It's a pity because I recently discovered that Kmart actually does have some useful products. But my shopping experience always ends on a sour note.

One thing that I expected to see in newly built supermarkets is the system where the trolley records what goes in so that when you get to the checkout you just need to pay. It doesn't seem to have arrived in NZ yet but that would be good. Maybe it's too open to abuse to work here.

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RE: Northern English supermarkets remove self service - by SueDonim - 13-11-2023, 10:46 AM

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