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Golriz Gahraman allegedly attempted shoplifting
(18-01-2024, 08:15 PM)dken31 Wrote:
(18-01-2024, 06:15 PM)Lilith7 Wrote: They seem to do that every time there's a situation where someone's been made literally ill by the vile behaviour of other people abusing them in one way or another - anyone might almost think they sided with the abusers.

Although of course he hadn't been abused, but I can't recall this reaction when Tod Muller resigned,citing stress, though I may have that wrong,

"Of course he hadn't been abused".  What makes you so confident of that?  I'm pretty sure all high profile politicians are the targets of a huge amount of abuse, even if some face more than others.

But the huge difference between Muller and Gahraman is that Muller merely resigned due to stress whereas Gahraman committed multiple crimes.  Citing mental heath to explain a resignation is simply that: an explanation. Whereas citing mental health to explain a crime can logically be interpreted to be at least a partial excuse, despite protestations to the contrary. 

After all, Gahraman has shown herself to be completely without honour with regard to how she's handled this whole affair, given she only stood down when the allegations where made public (remember, she's known exactly what she did all along), and then only resigned when the video evidence was released. 

Also, some of you have, I think, placed far too much emphasis on the fact that she stood down rather than her being stood down.  Given all that has transpired, I think it very likely that it was a case of "stand down 'voluntarily' or else you will be stood down", and ditto to the resignation.

A certain poster here is still hoping she did this to expose the store as the capitalist pigs they are.  She didn't steal - she liberated the clothing from capitalist slavery!

From the river to the sea - Golriz's clothes will be free!

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RE: Golriz Gahraman allegedly attempted shoplifting - by Wainuiguy - 18-01-2024, 08:35 PM

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