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David Seymour 'doesn't believe' Luxons comments
How odd - a politician not believing a fellow politician!  Rolleyes Big Grin

And seriously - 'All politicians are mindful of what the public wants??!'

Only if it suits them, though.

"ACT leader David Seymour is refusing to back down on his controversial Treaty Principles Bill, saying he believes the Prime Minister's opinion can be changed.   
Seymour believes Prime Minister Christopher Luxon was "nervous" after Waitangi and could still back his Treaty Principles Bill despite ruling out doing so.   
But questions remain about why the Bill is even getting to the Select Committee stage if National won't support it beyond its first reading.   
Luxon doubled down on his party's stance of not supporting ACT's proposal beyond first reading on Wednesday. New Zealand First is also in National's corner.  
The Prime Minister also said National wouldn't support the Bill beyond the first reading even if there is a massive groundswell of support for it.   

But Seymour is undeterred by Luxon's comments and came out with fighting words when he joined AM on Thursday morning.   
"I mean, last week, he wouldn't rule out supporting it further, yesterday he would. I think perhaps he got a bit nervous after Waitangi," he told AM co-host Lloyd Burr.   
But there was one part of Luxon's comments that Seymour said he didn't believe.   
"But ultimately the bit I don't believe is he won't change his mind if the public really wants it," he said.   
"All politicians are very mindful of what the public wants, and I've seen polls published in the Herald that said that 60 percent of New Zealanders agree with what we're saying on the Treaty, 18 percent disagree, they want this debate. " 
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)

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David Seymour 'doesn't believe' Luxons comments - by Lilith7 - 08-02-2024, 10:17 AM

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