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Accelerated axing of Maori health blindsides campaigners
As far as you are aware? Looks to me like there are/were a fair few services that are now threatened...

So, is there going to be a concerted effort now to remove other preference qualifications, like gender - being female means preferential access to free mammograms or pregnancy care for instance. Or age - are children next? We could save heaps if we closed Starship and removed all that funding for childhood vax programmes...

Ethnicity is just another factor that means specific health concerns, backed up by unequivocal statistical evidence. Removing that supported focus means people with that ethnicity will die. That is the reality.

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RE: Accelerated axing of Maori health blindsides campaigners - by Oh_hunnihunni - 29-02-2024, 07:56 AM

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