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Semi-automatic weapons might be making a comeback under Nats
(28-02-2024, 10:39 AM)king1 Wrote: Let's just turn NZ into Little America...

Quote:Semi-automatics could make a return to gun ranges with New Zealand's firearms laws in for a major shake-up this term.
National and ACT agreed to rewrite the Arms Act - in place since the early 1980s - as part of its coalition arrangement.
Everything is on the table, including changing the existing licensing regime and re-introducing the military-style weapons used in the 15 March terror attacks.

Lunacy. This govt seems very keen on emulating the worst of America as swiftly as possible. If they continue  down this track, how long before we have large-ish camps of homeless people, & more idiots carrying guns as they now have there.

From the link above:

McKee wants to roll back what she described as "rushed" and "knee-jerk" legislation so regulations were less onerous on firearms owners.
"Gun ownership is a normal way of life. Now, everyone thinks that it's used just as a weapon, rather than as a sporting tool or a way to put food on the table," she said.
"It's going to be hard to have this conversation because people already have misconceived preconceptions about firearms but [the conversation] does need to start."

Firearms are no safer than they were before.

Maysoon Salama - whose son was murdered in the terror attacks - said relaxing gun laws was a step backwards.
"After the 15th of March..we really needed to feel safe and for this not to happen again, to anyone. Just last week there was another threat to the two mosques.
"If they change the regulations, what's going to happen? We still have many people out there who are still full of hatred, Islamophobia and discrimination against minorities."
Salama said she did not want to see any changes to New Zealand's gun restrictions on behalf of a small group of people who wanted to use high-powered guns for sport.
"They can still enjoy their hobby but there is no need for semi-automatic firearms because they mean more situations, these kinds of terrorism acts."

A scientific review of 130 studies in 10 countries showed relaxing firearms restrictions typically led to increased gun deaths.
From review:
“Evidence from 130 studies in 10 countries suggests that in certain nations the simultaneous implementation of laws targeting multiple firearms restrictions is associated with reductions in firearm deaths. Laws restricting the purchase of (e.g., background checks) and access to (e.g., safer storage) firearms are also associated with lower rates of intimate partner homicides and firearm unintentional deaths in children, respectively. “
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)

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RE: Semi-automatic weapons might be making a comeback under Nats - by Lilith7 - 29-02-2024, 12:50 PM

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