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Former National MP slams ACt, radical treaty plan
Chris Finlayson is not a happy camper; the former minister for Treaty of Waitangi negotiations & attorney general agrees with political commentator Mathew Hooton.

You really have to wonder about David Seymour's motivation. Dodgy

Quote:"Chris Finlayson, the former minister for Treaty of Waitangi negotiations and attorney-general, and political commentator Matthew Hooton agree on one point - the National-led Government should not support the Act Party’s Treaty referendum.
Finlayson, who held those key portfolios under former National Party leader Sir John Key, and NZ Herald columnist Hooton, a political analyst and advisor, said the Act Party’s desire for a referendum would derail years of good faith bargaining and empower weirdos.

"It will bring out of the woodwork the sort of people who used to write to me and say, ‘why don’t you get cancer?’, ‘how dare you give property rights to people above their station’ or, as sometimes even happens now walking along Lambton Quay, someone will call me a ‘Māori-loving c***’," Finlayson told current affairs host Moana Maniapoto on Te Ao with Moana."
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)

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Former National MP slams ACt, radical treaty plan - by Lilith7 - 25-03-2024, 02:28 PM

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