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Kainga Ora, Swarbrick pressures Luxon to resign
I remember back in the 80's all or most mental institutions which used to be called lunatic asylums, were mostly closed down and the former inmates were allowed back into the community as "attitudes had changed and they were having their rights infringed by being confined", this was double speak by the neo-right wing to save money on these institutions by just getting rid of them, the result was that lots of people who really couldn't take care of themselves were released into the overall community with predictable results for anyone who has the slightest inkling of what disturbed people are capable of and their resulting struggle due to the combativeness of normal life.

We are still seeing the results of these stupid policies even now as one would expect.

We are supposed to care for members of our society who are unable to care for themselves adequately. If we do, this allows the government to feed money back into the system through paying good wages to specialist experts (mental health workers in general) and as this is done without announcement the businessmen cannot put up their prices automatically as soon as they hear that the government of the day is putting money back into the system to stimulate growth, thus causing inflation if this stimulus is not well disguised from money grubbing businessmen, as we are seeing in the present days, where any growth stimulus is immediately followed by price rises and thus inflation.

Government must regulate, regulate, regulate and start using their minuscule mentalities to run the country instead of following the latest overseas fashions of the day, now thirty years or so, since any attempt has been made to run the country properly rather than just leave it to non-existent theoretical "market forces", hence economies now experiencing runaway inflation due to entrenched power-blocks trying to "fix" the situation but having hidden agendas which only benefit themselves rather than an overview which will help all in the country.

A country cannot be run as a large business, that's only a basic need within the country, more is required than that, ie leadership which is not rooted in a corporate past with profit motives in mind, but one that has a far-seeing outlook for the future, LOL fat chance of that at the moment, and so we bungle on, with the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer just as you would expect with this sort of attitude that somehow market forces will remedy any situation if we just allow them to take over.
It's not the least charm of a theory that it is refutable. The hundred-times-refuted theory of "free will" owes its persistence to this charm alone; some one is always appearing who feels himself strong enough to refute it - Friedrich Nietzsche

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RE: Kainga Ora, Swarbrick pressures Luxon to resign - by zqwerty - 30-03-2024, 07:49 AM

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