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left wing media bashing Trump, they are liars!
Personally, I think it is a bit hard not to bash someone who has an affair with a porn star while his wife is at home with a new born, who inflates the value of his wealth so he can con more loan money out of banks, who prints up a load of special bibles to raise cash to pay his court fines, sucks up to tyrants and tin pot autocrats, and whose own family have little good to say about him.

In fact, the more bashing - aka educating the public - the left wing media does the better, to keep this arsehole out of one of the most powerful political positions on the planet, seeing the voting public of the US seem unable to do it...

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RE: left wing media bashing Trump, they are liars! - by Oh_hunnihunni - 30-03-2024, 08:05 AM

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