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Electricity constraints - What is "I will not comply" about?
(10-05-2024, 09:48 AM)nzoomed Wrote: .....
I know transpower has been rapidly upgrading the grid to handle the excess power should the smelter close.
With more and more EVs, it could become more of a problem over time.
Every EV has a battery that is able to be discharged to the grid if connected by way of a V2G (Vehicle to Grid) system. The combined storage capacity of our growing EV fleet is close to 5GWh so by accessing just 20% of that by way of V2G gives NZ grid buffering capacity of similar size to that of our gas, geothermal or wind installations. The capacity of static home storage batteries e.g Tesla Powerwalls) is additional capacity that can also be directed back into the grid if circumstances require, and in most cases these batteries (and many EVs) are charged from domestic solar generation.

It is also worth noting that generation of the 400MW of domestic solar installed in NZ is essentially invisible so far as the Transpower data linked above is concerned as it is not able to be monitored publicly with much of it being used (or stored) within the owner's property or exported to the grid where it is only visable as reduced consumption within the local region. In our own case we were in a situation of being able to export surplus generation by 9:00am today and currently we're exporting about half of our 6kW of generation with the balance being 'stored' as heat in our HWC.

If the government had any real intentions of building resilience into our national electricity supply they could do a lot worse than incentivising domestic solar (and battery storage) but it seems they're too busy trying to sling shit at the previous government's carbon zero initiative to put any real intelligence into their energy policies.

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RE: Electricity constraints - What is "I will not comply" about? - by harm_less - 10-05-2024, 10:17 AM

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