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Contrast This Man With Our "Leader" Luxon
Generally, when there's a large gap between rich & poor the hard right tends to rise in popularity; it happened when the great depression of the 30's  affected so many countries & in Germany, saw the rise of fascism under the maniac Hitler.

The hard right in France is rising again with Marine le Pen's party which has to be just about the last thing needed.

And here, we have the greed crazed idocy of the ACT party.

The reality is that Luxon represents the weakest Prime Minister in modern NZ political history and the danger for National is that the social media hate algorithms that are polarising the electorate will empower the hard right fringes while hollowing out the middle voter.
We are seeing this dynamic at play in the polls right now.

ACT have zero interest in being moderate and will continue to play to racist culture war talking points which threatens National.
ACT getting 8.64% was a danger warning of how extreme the Right have become and as National continues to weakly govern, David Seymour will continue to over shine the very dull Luxon.

The ATLAS Network’s involvement in the idealogical structure of ACT was revealed this year but didn’t get beyond Māori Media.
Joshua Drummond’s blog on David Seymour’s refusal to acknowledge any links with the far right Libertarian Think Tank funded by petrol oligarchs and wealthy far right groups is a must read…
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)

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RE: Contrast This Man With Our "Leader" Luxon - by Lilith7 - 10-06-2024, 11:39 AM

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