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Where the Unmasked "Exempt" Can be Found: Cities, Suburbs, Towns
0.0099% of the population genuinely needing a mask exemption.
one of 20 or so contributing members we have 1 already. this will be reflected out there.
one in twenty will have the exemption for their life threatening respiratory afflictions.
whats the point?
every twentieth person we encounter in a mask mandated situation will be able to breath unrestricted everywhere. while the rest of us suffer in silence under our masks?
why does their health issue allow them to endanger others?
do those afflicted with alcoholism get exemptions from drinking and driving because of their disease?
mask exemption is not covid exemption.
grow up. take one or the team for once, just this once put yourself behind the welfare of others. dont make everything an issue. its tiring.
So if you disappear out of view You know I will never say goodbye

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RE: Where the Unmasked "Exempt" Can be Found: Cities, Suburbs, Towns - by Magoo - 26-11-2021, 10:36 AM

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