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Fully vaxxed surpass unvaxxed in hospital in Australia
It is simple arithmetic but the anti-vaxxers are trying to bamboozle people. Here's a simplified example which might help. The numbers are hypothetical.:

If 50 people are vaxxed and 50 people are unvaxxed and the vaccination has no effect on hospitalisation rates then you would expect the numbers in hospital to be 50/50 respectively.

If 80 people are vaxxed and 20 people are unvaxxed and the vaccine has no effect you would expect the numbers in hospital to be 80/20 respectively.

If 80 people are vaxxed and 20 people are unvaxxed and the numbers are 68/32 then there are 12 fewer vaxxed people in hospital than there would be if the vaccine had no effect.

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RE: Fully vaxxed surpass unvaxxed in hospital in Australia - by Olive - 29-01-2022, 08:47 AM

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