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Is empathy something you are born with or created ?
Great insightful sharing so far cheers.

I recall when at school the nice, caring friends had nice parents, yes definitely a trickle down.

Mum has one brother that is tight with money but the rest of 
her siblings very generous. Probably down to his genes, got 
more of his mums genes who was more on the tight side, his 
dad very generous. Grandparents genes in the mix too. Perhaps
something he seen or heard as a kid, different nurture being the 
youngest in the family.

Narcissist, had a mate for 22 years and recently gave him the permanent
bye bye. Upgraded my car and he got his nose all out of joint over it. Is a 
15K nothing special car and he has 150K plus in hot toys. (Vehicles) but his 
daily driver is now older than my daily driver. (Sell one of your toys would be a 
logical thing to do if my daily hurts so much lol)
Went to Europe, took him 2 months to ask me a single sentence about my trip.
Jealousy is his arcillies heal. Has a great personality in terms of being funny but 
running his mates down has worn thin over the years, jealous with what they have.
Think he is on the spectrum for Narcissim (other issues too). Like my wise sister 
said you don't need competitive friends in your life.

Taken me decades to work out that my environment has a huge bearing
on how I feel.

(26-02-2022, 03:15 PM)Magoo Wrote: having none makes one a 'path'.
my wife taught me empathy.
Makes it easier to through life without having to think
of others are you meaning Magoo ?

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RE: Is empathy something you are born with or created ? - by mike - 26-02-2022, 03:51 PM

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