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Brilliant TM Chat service.
I was flabbergasted and so upset last night, when someone decided to give me 5 red faces, because apparently it took too long for her parcel TO BE SENT....not delivered, but just 'sent'.

She purchased 5 items from me, very late last thursday night. The earliest it could be sent, was this Monday just gone. Because of the time of year, being busy with my TM sales, and life in general, I booked the courier this Wednesday. It seems like a long time, but think about when she purchased, and when I could send it, and trying to stay within that reasonable time to send out parcels....

So, before she even got her parcel, I got the 5 red faces, with varying mentions of how late I sent it.

I spent quite a while this morning trying to use the TM Chat, but it was always offline. I was almost going to give up, but I thought I'd give it one last go. I finally spoke to someone at about 2pm this arvo. He said to fill out the form, which he sent me, and I promptly did so.

Well, within about 30mins, I got an email from Trust & Safety, and they agreed with me, and have removed all 5 reds.

Absolutely brilliant service. I know that I would have stewed over it all long weekend, and I am so thrilled to bits that it's now done.

Well, just one thing left to do. Blacklist the bitch for doing that, and putting my little business into disrepute. I work hard at gaining the respect of the wonderful people who buy from me, and having my TS status means alot too. These small things are my gift for working hard.

Oh, and she got her parcel today. One week after ordering them. She will never be buying my crafty goodies again, that is for sure.

Well done to TM. I have always been loyal to them, and will never sell my goodies anywhere else, because they provide the best service for me. TM, you ROCK!!!
Be the kind of woman, that when your feet hit the floor each morning, the devil goes "oh crap, she's up".

Messages In This Thread
Brilliant TM Chat service. - by crafters_corner - 24-12-2021, 02:39 PM
RE: Brilliant TM Chat service. - by king1 - 24-12-2021, 06:52 PM
RE: Brilliant TM Chat service. - by gr8dadof2 - 03-01-2022, 06:20 AM

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