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You can never have enough...
Morning all
A sunny start to the day.

Sad news for royal family.

Jan so good that you get to watch DGD hockey games my DD played and we spent many nights freezing on the side lines.
KM I can see why you want to get rid of the concrete edging looks lethal.

Popeye got my fingers crossed for you appointment today.

We meeting up with friends for lunch today so simple meal for dinner tonight.

Started a crochet blanket last night got to practice my new skill.

Pieced as in jigsaw pieced scraps of woollen blanket to create a cot sized blanket worked out really well  it will keep a baby warm.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
There are two beautiful drawings circulating on social media - hope you all have seen them - one is the queen walking away with Paddington Bear and the other backview of her sitting with Philip and a corgi on a bench with the caption “Hello again Lillibet “absolutely beautiful both of them
Well Im a mystery.

The Dr isn't sure that it's the joint causing the problems and trust me he bent it every which way.

But he put in a local and steroid, which I have always been told that people on Warfarin couldn't have steroids. The side he did it is ok, but no change in the worst side. H said he will get me back in six weeks to see if the steroid has worked.

Have taken your sons advice Jan and stocked up a little on things like cat litter, long life milk etc. as much as I could.

I didnt stop and see the music at the home, I just need to rest my bones.

They just mentioned how much would have to be changed, I never thought about money and passports etc.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Hope it improves Popeye.
Have done bits & pieces today, changed & washed both my bed & the dog's so obviously she's not best pleased. And will be even less so later when the crafty, mean, evil human sneakily does the flea dosing.

Strange to think the Queen's gone; she's been Queen most of my life & I don't really think poor old Charlie much wants to be King. I think he's been much misunderstood thanks to the media but he's certainly not conventional, having set up places like Highgrove. Mind you with a bit of luck, I might get a holiday on our birthday.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
I cleaned the outside of the kitchen windows today. The carpark side, so black with road stickiness. Now I have to change because I stink of bleach and three of us old folks are going out for dinner to the local cheap'n cheerful. After the wall to wall sadness of the day we decided we need a bit of a spoiling, so we are taking the last of the super and frittering it away on fish and chips. And salad. In a proper restaurant, lol.

I guess the wall to wall will continue for a while yet. She will be greatly missed.

But the windows are all nice and shiny. On the outside...
I remember the day the king died - one of my fathers drivers came in we were having breakfast in the kitchen said to Dad he had the day off because the king had stopped smoking - can still hear my much older sister going on and on about not being allowed to go to school because the king had stopped smoking - what was so special about that -
My Dad;s Commission paper was signed by the 'old king'. I remember being deeply impressed by the real signature att the time...
morning ladies Smile We're in for some 'indoor' days which is fine by me. Well done on the windows, OHH. It's a job I hate doing even with the Karcher and the extension poles.

No doubt there will be tons more about her Majesty over the coming days. We were over all the repetition about her by early evening so switched to a badly acted shoot-'em-up movie on Amazon Prime. MrK remembers seeing the queen in Rotorua and his mate remembers seeing her the same day in Hamilton.

I hope those steroids do the trick, popeye. MrK has taken steroids and he's on warfarin too and was fine. Just keep doing your blood tests.

The wing of the fantail is coming along. I've lengthened my stitches to give the impression (I hope) of the fan like look of the wing. With this wet weather I should be able to do some more today.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

Rain, rain and more rain!  

Plenty of people would have switched over by the time they'd seen the same Royal footage over and over! Us included.  We started watching the "Unforgotten" cold case drama series ... excellent. 

No outdoor stuff happening today,  so will ponder the possibilities including baking.

Enjoy the day.
Can I recommend The Twelve on tvnzplus. Sam Neill and a bunch of interesting jurors. Kept me watching and long enough to be useful just now.
Morning everyone

Still sunny here. But chilly.

OMG I got up at 4am and no pain... Its been so long with it that I nursed it to the loo and back and still no pain.

I guess that means its not my joint, like my own Dr had said.. So Now we wont know what it is. I need to find out how long these shots last and I fully intend of having them as often as needed.

I did read about it not being that bad cos of the warfarin, as you said Kiwimade, Ill just keep testing.. It can mess with you blood sugar levels but I have the other med on board so I dont expect much change.. I can imagine the internal war, one making me not hungry and one making me want to eat lol..

But Im looking forward to be able to do normal things again. Im off to see MrP this morning and Im not going to use the walker.

I listened to Charles speech this morning and so pleased he Used Mama not Mummy. I hate hearing adults use Mummy. One of my school friends still uses Mummy and Daddy about her parents.

Im going to sort out some listings later.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
My Mum will always be my Mum, except when she is Barbie! But I agree we can leave the y bit behind...
Morning all 
Lovely sunny day here.

Late start this morning DH went back to sleep so I kept reading my book Cool

Lunch was disappointing yesterday but the company was great

We also found something else to watch last night for awhile then DH watched some golf I concentrated on my crocheting slowly improving.

House tidy this morning

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
(10-09-2022, 08:45 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: My Mum will always be my Mum, except when she is Barbie! But I agree we can leave the y bit behind...

Yeah Mum is fine. But Mummy and Daddy is for children in my opinion
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Yes I switched off - it was just so repetitive - I am rewatching The Wire - quality programs stand the test of time and are so watchable
My oldest son calls me Ma for some reason - he is in Brisbane doing an Iron Man tomorrow - not my idea of a holiday
I am adding furniture maker to my cv. I youtubed a how to video and now have the back off my big lazyboy ready for the buyer to take away later this morning. Then it is a bit of furniture rearranging and a bit of vacking and I will be done for the day.

It is progress of a sort towards the new chairs coming this week!
Yes, I always find adults using 'Mummy' & 'Daddy' really silly, it always sounds so affected.

I think they may be overdoing the life of the Queen on TV just a bit on both 1 & 3, its continuing again today right through. I might manage the final two episodes of You don't know me with any luck.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
We're over all the royal stuff on the telly. MrK is watching Netflix and I've been stitching my fantail. I'll need to unpick a small area as my tension is too tight so will do that tomorrow. The Furry One has had a fabulous day chasing rabbits in the rain, he will be tuckered out tonight lol.

Well done on the chair, OHH. You Tube has lots of great tutorials. I used one to figure out how to correct the time on the car clocks after the battery went flat the other day.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
I have used the Man with a Van service just once before, but have to do so again for my chairs. Only the one I used has disappeared into the ether, mind you a lot has happened since 2018. So I google and find a service that offers quote bids for my transport job, which sounds interesting. I fill in the details and within a few minutes the first bid comes in at $200. Bear in mind I paid $210 for the chairs. Gulp, sez me... Then another $10 down, and another with another tenner off - and this morning we hit $150...

Hmmmm. This is quite fun, for a Sunday morning's entertainment, an actual dutch auction underway! Just how low will they go?
morning ladies Smile  It's clear and bright here but I just know it will rain.

Our son used A Man In a Van to move flats when he was a student.  Saved us travelling to Wellington to help him.  The auction sounds like fun, OHH Smile  

We watched the Proclamation last evening and will watch our version of it at midday.  I love historical stuff, just not the constant repetition of the same-old, same-old footage.  The Brits certainly know how to do pomp.

If the rain stays away, I have a small patch of garden to dig over where grass has dared to grow.  Our fencers arrive next week to do the repairs.  My sister-in-law phoned yesterday and part of her fence was blown over in the wind last week.  She can claim insurance, ours is badly tanalised posts which have rotted at the bottom so we can't.

Today I'll unpick a very small section of the fantail as I've puckered the fabric with my tension and taking a too long piece of thread across the back. It won't take much to do and an easy fix.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 

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